Environmental Quality Council: Solid Waste Rule Chapter 3

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Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

Public Notice: Environmental Quality Council: Solid Waste Rule Chapter 3

The Wyoming Environmental Quality Council will consider proposed revisions to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Solid Waste Management Rule (SWR) Chapter 3: Industrial Landfills, Docket #22-5102, at a hearing to be held on November 15, 2022 at the Capitol Extension Public Meeting Room 5, Herschler Building, 122 W. 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY, 82002, starting at 9:00 a.m. (MST).  The revisions remove redundant and irrelevant language, corrects grammar, restructures passages for clarity, provides consistency with other chapters of the SWR, updates the permit terms, as well as, the standards for location, design and construction, operating, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, closure and post-closure, and corrective action; formats the rule to meet the Secretary of State requirements, and meets minimum substantive state statutory requirements per
W.S. § 16-3-103(a)(i)(G).  Individuals that wish to use a digital presentation may contact Joe Girardin at: (307) 777-7170 at least three days prior to the hearing.  Individuals with questions regarding the rulemaking may contact Jody Weikart at: (307) 777-3501.  Additional information is available at: https://eqc.wyo.gov/Public/Dockets.aspx under Docket #22-5102, or may be inspected in person at the mailing address below.  Beginning September 7, 2022 and ending at 5:00 p.m. (MST) on
October 24, 2022, written comments may be submitted via mail to WDEQ/Solid Waste Division,
200 West 17th St, Ste. 200, Cheyenne, WY, 82002; via fax to: (307) 635-1784; or submitted through and accepted electronically at: https://aq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com/comment/search.
Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov.  Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities. Please provide at least three (3) weeks advance notice for such requests.