WDE Information Management News - February 13, 2019

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02-13-2019  |  Phase II & WyEd Accounts


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We are starting the second phase of the WISER ID system implementation this week. Fremont 24 and Goshen 1 have volunteered to pilot the project, and we would like to thank them for taking on that challenge. We would, also, like to start transitioning the remainder of the districts February 19 - March 22.

It is the WDE's vision that district staff members who enter students into the SIS, are actively involved in resolving near matches. These can sometimes occur when newly submitted demographic information is similar to demographic information already on file and attached to an individual's unique identity. For larger districts this may be people at the school level and in smaller districts it may still be a district level employee. To accommodate for this change, the "WISER ID Administrator" role can be assigned at both the district and the school level.

Once your district has signed up, the WDE will email your SIS vendor and request the appropriate changes to your connection. This will allow your district to be able to accept changes to StudentPersonal and/or StaffPersonal containing the issued WISER ID from the WDE/CPSI zone. At the same time, Kimono will disable the district's connection to the student locator.

What will your district need to do? WyEd Administrators will need to assign the WISER ID Administrator role to any school level staff who will be resolving ambiguous cases. All persons with the WISER ID administrator role will need to attend a one hour training session during the scheduled transition time.

Attached is a sign up sheet containing the available dates and times to schedule your district's transition. We will transition one district in the morning and one district in the afternoon between February 19 and March 22nd. We ask that district WISE Coordinators serve as the main point of contact and schedule the training time with the appropriate district staff. Our vendor, CPSI, will contact the WISE Coordinator to schedule a training time. Additionally, the WDE would like slots to be filled at least 48 hours in advance. This will allow enough time to create any necessary accounts and to inform the appropriate SIS vendor.

Once the transition and training are complete, district staff will have the ability to quickly resolve ambiguous cases and errors without needing to wait for response from WDE staff.


Goldfish jumping from small, take action bowl to larger, empower yourself bowl

The Wyoming Department of Education recently adopted a new active directory.  Users with Fusion accounts were asked to create their new WyEd credentials by December 10, 2018.  As of this week, only 50% of the users have activated their accounts and created their new passwords.

The WDE has created a report for district Technology Directors, WISE Coordinators, and WyEd Administrators to assist their staff with setting up their accounts. This report lists all district staff who currently have WyEd accounts, denotes whether they have activated their new credentials, and provides their WISER/User Ids and Verification codes. This report will refresh nightly. In an effort to get as many user accounts activated as possible, we ask that you please securely provide the users who haven't set up their accounts with their User ID and Verification code. Users can watch this instructional YouTube video that provides step by step instructions. Some districts block YouTube and in that case, you can always refer your staff to Brian Wuerth for assistance.

Brian Wuerth

WyEd Administrators - If there are people on your district's list who are no longer employed by your district, please go to https://edu.wyoming.gov/data/ and click on the WyEdPRO link. To Login, you will need to use your new WyEd credentials. Once logged in, click on the Administration header, then click on Users. After clicking on Users, you will now be able to search for the former user and inactivate their account.


  • February 1 - April 29 - State Assessment Exception Request (SAER) Window
  • February 4 - 15 - WDE949 Re-Submission Window
  • February 19 - March 22 - District Registration For Phase II of WISER ID System
  • May 6 - 7 - Tech Director's Conference in Casper at the Ramkota
  • July 29 - August 9 - Confidential Assessment Data Review Window (WY-TOPP, ACT and ACCESS)
  • August 14 - 20 - Confidential Wy-ALT Data Review Window
  • August 28 - September 10 - Confidential School Performance Report (SPR) Review Window
  • September 16 - Public SPR Release