Ensuring a Safe Place to Learn

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Ensuring a Safe Place to Learn

School Safety Plan


No child, parent, teacher, or administrator should ever feel unsafe in school.

Our comprehensive $100 million School Safety Plan is focused on protecting schools from any threat they might face because the bottom line is keeping our kids safe, no matter what.

Through this grant program, schools will be able to apply for the resources they need to enhance security and ensure a safe learning environment.

Wisconsin students and teachers should be able to focus on education without worry for their safety when in the classroom.

At the end of the day, our top priority is ensuring schools remain a safe place to learn.

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Investing in Our Neighbors

This week we designated 120 Economic Opportunity Zones (EOZ) in Wisconsin across 44 counties in both rural and urban areas. This is part of the Economic Opportunity Zones Program, a community development tax incentive program created by the federal government as a result of the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The creation of the Economic Opportunity Zones Program is meant to help businesses and distressed communities. EOZ’s offer private investors the ability to invest in communities with reduced tax liability. This will benefit both residents in the zone by increasing investments and the investors by providing tax free investment opportunities. This is a win-win for Wisconsin.

Our recommendations were created with the help of public input, an interagency working group with WHEDA, WEDC, DOA, and DCF, and an independent analysis conducted by a nationally respected consulting firm. We believe our designation will help our state and our communities.

We look forward to the U.S. Department of Treasury officially designating these areas. Their designations represent ten years of potential investment in these communities.

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St. Patrick’s Day with Wisconsin’s Veterans

St. Patrick's Veterans


This past weekend, I was happy to visit with veterans from every branch of our military at the Veterans Home in Union Grove.

Wisconsin offers more benefits to veterans than any other state and we will continue to provide for the needs of our brave men and women.

We enjoy sharing all the great news about our state with you. It is an honor to serve as your Governor and represent the people of Wisconsin.


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Governor Scott Walker

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