I partied at the White House

office of the lieutenant governor of the state of wisconsin rebecca kleefisch - wisconsin is open for business

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Midwest Expo
With Kimberly Hall, owner of Signature Sweets in Milwaukee.

Because I was in D.C. for the balance of the week, I packed a whole lot of activity into Monday. I did a roundtable with the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, hearing from small mom-and-pop shops, large restaurants and franchise conglomerates. Much of the conversation focused on a familiar refrain - "we'd serve more customers and contribute more to the economy if we only had more workers!" I also walked the Midwest Foodservice Expo, taking in the scores of booths catering to the restaurant industry. I applaud these company owners for tackling their workforce challenges head-on by helping develop curriculum for college culinary programs, tech college classes, and even partner high schools.

At the Expo, I confess to spending an outsize amount of time marveling at the cakes in the cake competition. This awesome video game cake did not place, but Kimberly's other cake placed 3rd overall!  Look out for her on the Food Network, as she is going through casting to appear on her 5th Food Network show. Congratulations!






The Governor's conference on tourism was another Monday stop.  Did you know tourism contributes more than $19 billion dollars to our state's economy?!  The conference served as the platform for unveiling our new Wisconsin tourism ad campaign. I like to think tourism is one of our best investments. For every $1 we spend on advertising Wisconsin tourism, we see $8 added to Wisconsin's economy! 

We also made our way to the Milwaukee Business Journal's Central City Awards, which honor companies and leaders making a positive impact in our most urban neighborhoods. For Milwaukee to be safe, healthy, and prosperous, we need more businesses like these award winners, which are employing friends and neighbors, creating wealth, and serving as pillars of their communities. If my day had a theme, it would be the importance of small businesses to our economy. Whether a northwoods mini putt course, a central Wisconsin supper club, or a central city entrepreneur, all of these people are taking risks and driving job growth. Small businesses come in all shapes and places, but they share in common a deep commitment to community and the American dream, and I love them for it.


Lt Gov Rebecca Kleefisch Signature

Rebecca Kleefisch
Lt. Governor

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