State Budget Increases to Benefit Veteran Services
DVA was well represented at Governor Tony Evers budget address at the State Capitol last week. In addition to Secretary-designee James Bond, special guests included Jim Larson, a veteran and a successful graduate of WDVA’s Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP), and VORP Program Supervisor Cal Stammer. The budget announcement highlights a massive investment in Wisconsin veterans.
The Governor’s proposed 2023-25 biennial budget includes an expansion of WDVA services such as VORP and more tax relief for disabled veterans. The increased financial support will allow WDVA to help more struggling Wisconsin veterans like Jim Larson succeed in overcoming homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse, mental health struggles, and prevent more veteran suicides.
These additional biennial budgetary investments build upon the recommendations by the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Veteran Opportunity from late last year that included an initial infusion of $10 million dollars in support of our state’s veterans.
Highlights of specific items in the new 2023-25 biennial budget for WDVA include:
- Expanding the Veteran Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP) by 7 full time positions and with funding to provide increased outreach mental health services to veterans, substance recovery, lower the suicide rate among veterans, housing, and other services.
- An expansion of opportunities at all existing sites of the Veterans Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP).
- Providing funding to all three state veterans homes to address their ongoing needs so that each home has adequate resources and staffing to provide the best possible care to the most vulnerable veterans in Wisconsin.
- Increasing eligibility for the Veterans and Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit by extending eligibility to those with a disability rating of at least 70 percent.
All details and a full list of items included in the Governor’s budget benefiting Wisconsin veterans can be found here.
*Pictured: Secretary-designee James Bond, veteran Jim Larson, and VORP program supervisor Cal Stammer.
WDVA Welcomes Christopher McElgunn and Joseph Hoey
Astounding Response to 'Valentines for Veterans'
WDVA's outreach team was excited to carry out the mission of making this Valentine’s Day special. This year the Department asked the public to send in “Valentines for Veterans” on social media, and the response was astounding. Nearly 20,000 valentines were received to deliver to members at the Wisconsin Veterans Homes in Chippewa Falls, King, and Union Grove.
More than 700 individuals and families mailed in cards, and about 200 organizations and schools took the time to write a kind message, draw original artwork, and craft projects. The Department received cards from all over the country, including as far away as Alaska, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and New Mexico.
“Thank you to everyone who took the time to make or write cards for our veterans and mailed them,” said Shannon Miller, Marketing and Outreach Program Supervisor at WDVA. “It was wonderful to see how much it meant to each member who received these valentines and the joy and smiles on their faces as they read them. These small acts of kindness truly mean the world to our veterans."
Pictures from our Valentine's for Veterans can be found on our WDVA Facebook and Instagram pages.