Rock River TMDL Website

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Dear Rock River Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce we have rolled out our new Rock River TMDL website.  This is part of an ongoing IT/Web development effort across the DNR to provide for a more user friendly web experience.  When you have a chance, please check out our new website and let us know what you think!

And, a reminder, our annual basin meeting is in a couple weeks, Wednesday September 17, at UW Whitewater.  Please see the attached agenda for further information.  We're looking forward to seeing you there!



We are committed to service excellence.

Visit our survey at  to evaluate how I did.


Mark Riedel, Ph.D., P.H.
Rock River TMDL Implementation Project Manager – Southern District
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
3911 Fish Hatchery Rd

Fitchburg, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 275-3471