The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced a new webpage to help local governments address vapor intrusion in their communities.
The new Vapor Intrusion for Local Governments webpage from the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program provides tools and resources for local governments to address vapor intrusion in their communities, including information on locating contaminated sites, considerations for development or redevelopment, vapor intrusion prevention and planning resources as well as health information.
In addition to the webpage dedicated to local governments, a new landing page has been added to organize vapor intrusion resources into three main categories and provide a streamlined path to the vapor intrusion information each group needs: local governments, environmental professionals and property owners, occupants and the public.
Vapor intrusion is a phenomenon through which vapors from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from chemicals used in commercial activities, such as dry-cleaning chemicals, chemical degreasers and petroleum products like gasoline, enter a building, typically through cracks or gaps in the foundation. These VOC vapors are often colorless and odorless and bring chemicals into the indoor air, which can cause unsafe indoor air quality conditions and result in adverse health effects to building occupants.
The Remediation and Redevelopment Program welcomes feedback on the vapor intrusion webpage improvements. Ideas and suggestions can be sent to More information about the DNR’s brownfields cleanup programs and services is available on the DNR’s brownfields webpage.
The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) will soon be re-opening grant applications for the Wisconsin Fund, a program that provides financial assistance to homeowners and small businesses with a failing private onsite wastewater treatment system (POWTS), commonly called septic systems.
Applications are now open and close on January 31, 2024. Read more about the grant program on Urban Milwaukee.
Managing Risks from Trichloroethylene
In October 2023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to ban the manufacture (including import), processing, and distribution in commerce of trichloroethylene (TCE) for all uses, with longer compliance timeframes and workplace controls (including an exposure limit) for some processing and industrial and commercial uses until the prohibitions come into effect. TCE is a volatile organic compound used mostly in industrial and commercial processes. Consumer uses include cleaning and furniture care products, arts and crafts spray coatings, and automotive care products like brake cleaners, and other consumer products. The rule would protect consumers, workers, occupational non-users and bystanders from the harmful health effects of TCE. Read the proposed rule.
EPA’s proposed risk management rule would rapidly phase down manufacturing, processing, distribution, and use of TCE for all uses, most of which would be fully phased out in one year. For uses where a longer timeframe is necessary, EPA is proposing robust worker protections. For example, there are currently no alternatives to TCE use as a process solvent for battery separator manufacturing. For this use, which is critical to the economy and infrastructure, EPA is proposing a 10-year TSCA section 6(g) exemption from the prohibition to allow for continued battery separator manufacturing and sufficient time to investigate and adopt alternative solvents. During the time-limited exemption, companies would have to abide by a workplace chemical protection plan.
In the final revised risk determination, EPA determined that TCE presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health under its conditions of use. Learn more about the unreasonable risks determined in the final risk evaluation. EPA is hosting a webinar on Nov. 14, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST about the proposed risk management rule. Register here.
EPA will accept public comments on the proposed rule for TCE through Dec. 15, 2023, via docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2020-0642 at To submit a comment, first navigate to the docket in Then click “Browse Documents” to view the proposed risk management rule. Click on the “Comment” button to submit your comment.
DNR Waterway General Permit Revisions
The DNR is planning to reissue several general permits for activities in navigable waterways, including small scale dredging, dredging to remove plant and animal deposits, riparian navigational dredging and ponds. Key eligibility criteria and standards are not proposed to be changed. The public is invited to attend a public hearing on Nov. 15, 2023, 1:30–3:00 pm, to share comments on the proposed permit reissuances. Join on Microsoft Teams.
The public comment period will be open until Nov. 22, 2023. See the Permit Process webpage to review the draft permits and for more information. For questions, contact Tom Pearce or 608-800-1643.
Air Emissions Inventory Reporting System Changes For 2024 - Webinar Dec. 6
The DNR will host a webinar on Wednesday, Dec. 6 from 10:30–11:30 a.m. to walk through the system, highlight the updates and answer questions from attendees. This is an opportunity for ARS users to view the system updates before the reporting season and ask any questions they may have. Register to attend by Zoom.
Wisconsin’s Printing Industry Charter Presents a Tour of the DNR’s Printer Portal
The members of the Wisconsin Printing Industry Superior Environmental Performance Charter (Green Tier) are hosting a webinar on Dec. 7, 2023, from 1:00-1:30 pm central: Tour of the DNR’s Printer Portal, presented by Renee Lesjak Bashel, DNR Small Business Environmental Assistance Coordinator. Attendees will learn more about resources available to Wisconsin printers including: the Printing Environmental Compliance Workbook; rule summaries and links for air, waste and water regulations; permits, reports & notifications that may apply to a facility; sustainability information and webinars.
The Great Lakes Graphics Association is hosting the webinar; registration is free and open to anyone interested. To register, go to:
Storing and Saving: Using Thermal Energy Storage in Commercial Buildings
There is an opportunity to make an impact by addressing the energy use and performance of existing buildings. In this webinar, speakers will discuss the use of Building Performance Standards (BPS) and outline best practices, tools, and financial incentives that can be leveraged to support BPS implementation. The webinar is on Dec. 19, 2023, from 10:00–11:00 am. Register to join the webinar on Zoom.