The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Air Management Program created a Registration Operation Permit (ROP) program to streamline the air permitting process. Now, there is a new ROP specifically for facilities that have committed to maintaining Tier 2 status under Green Tier, called the Type G ROP or ROP-G. The ROP-G offers Tier 2 facilities more flexibility as long as their emissions remain below 80% of the major source air permit threshold.
The members of the Wisconsin Printing Industry Superior Environmental Performance Charter (Green Tier) will present a webinar on September 20, 2022, at 1-2pm central, for attendees to learn more about the benefits of a ROP, the eligibility requirements for ROP-G and Tier 2 of Green Tier, and then hear from the first two facilities to be covered under the ROP-G – one of which is a printer. The facilities will discuss their perspective on the benefits of Tier 2 in Green Tier and why they obtained a ROP-G. Come sit in to learn how Green Tier and the ROP-G might help your company achieve sustainability goals.
The Great Lakes Graphics Association is hosting the webinar; registration is free and open to anyone interested. To register, go to:
Have you ever wondered about the safety of public drinking water in Wisconsin?
The answer to that question and more can be found in the DNR's 2021 Annual Drinking Water Report. This report features collaborative work between the DNR and its many partners. Progress continues in replacing lead service lines, identifying emerging contaminants and funding projects in small, underserved and disadvantaged communities. Safe drinking water provides health benefits to Wisconsin consumers as well as disease prevention and promotes a strong economy.
Check out the Annual Drinking Water Reports on the DNR website or by calling 608-266-1054 to request a copy.
More information about the work the DNR is doing to provide safe, clean drinking water is available on the DNR website here.