Aug. 8, 2022
Facilities in Wisconsin that emit air pollutants are required to report their emissions on an annual basis. To ensure consistency with the federal Air Emissions Reporting Rule (AERR) and that Wisconsin’s state implementation plan (SIP) meets Clean Air Act requirements, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently updated Wisconsin’s air emissions inventory reporting rule (ch. NR 438, Wis. Adm. Code).
The DNR expects the revised rule to have minimal impact on facilities. There will be a small administrative adjustment for applicable sources for the time required to report and certify annual emissions. To minimize administrative time associated with annual emissions reporting, the DNR’s web-based air emissions inventory reporting program (accessible through the DNR Switchboard), provides information and an emissions calculator, which facilities can use to estimate emissions.
The following changes were made and are effective Aug. 1, 2022:
- Major sources in nonattainment areas, sources with the potential to emit equal to or greater than 100 tons per year of criteria air pollutants or ammonia, and sources with actual emissions of 0.5 ton per year of lead are now required to report annual emissions of all criteria air pollutants and ammonia, regardless of emission amounts.
- An emissions reporting requirement was added to the rule for sources that directly emit particulate matter with a diameter equal to or less than 2.5 µm (PM5).
- An annual emission inventory may exclude emissions from specific emission units, operations, or activities now listed in s. NR 438.03(3)(1)(am)3, Wis. Adm. Code.
- State administrative code language was aligned with federal emissions reporting terminology and updated to reflect the DNR’s current emissions inventory reporting process.
- The requirement for the emissions inventory certification signature moves from the owner or operator to the Responsible Official under s. NR 438.03(5)(c), Wis. Adm. Code.
Facilities must comply with the updated rule starting with 2023 air emissions inventory reporting for calendar year 2022 emissions.
For additional information, visit DNR’s: Air Emissions Inventory Tutorials and Fundamentals webpage or contact