Small Business Advisor - February Special Edition

Small Biz News

Small Business Advisor - February 2021 Special Edition

Small Business Environmental Council meets February 11

DNR's Small Business Environmental Council meets on February 11 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm via Zoom.  Topics on the agenda include an update on the EDGE program and a few other Act 70 efforts of interest to small businesses, a summary of the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program activities in 2020, and a discussion of goals for the Council for 2021 and beyond. 

A copy of the agenda is found here: ,  

All are welcome to join the meeting.  Contact staff to RSVP.  

Training Opportunities

WisCon's Weekly Webinar - 1:00 pm every Monday

Join Webinar Live at 

Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene's Safety Consultation Program (WisCon) presents The Weekly Webinar: a short (10-20 minute) weekly presentation on workplace health and safety topics followed by an open question and answer period. Questions entered online during the presentation will be answered at the end of the presentation.  If the answer isn’t available immediately, it will be addressed the following week.

February Topics are: 

  • 8 FEB – How to Read an Audiogram  
  • 15 FEB – Office Ergonomics  
  • 22 FEB – Online Entry of OSHA Log Information

For these, and other outreach training programs from WisCon, you can go to the Safety and Health Training webpage at


Webinars on Hazardous Waste for Printing Operations 

DNR partnered with Great Lakes Graphics Association (GLGA) and Printing United Alliance to present a series of webinars on the updated Hazardous Waste rules and how printing operations in Wisconsin will be affected.  Two more webinars remain in the series.  Click the links to register on GLGA's website.

Previous webinars were recorded by GLGA and links to them are on the DNR's Printer Portal, under the Waste tab.