DNR staff have received all comments during the open comment period for the draft TMDL and are in the process of drafting responses and editing/revising draft text, where necessary. All comments received, and follow-up actions/responses will be included as part of the formal TMDL submittal package to USEPA.
TMDL Implementation Meeting
next TMDL Implementation meeting will be scheduled following the comment response period and submittal to USEPA. We anticipate this will be in March. A doodle poll to schedule the meeting, draft agenda and minutes from the previous meeting will be sent out in early February.
NRCS invites potential conservation partners to submit project applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018 federal funding through RCPP. Project pre-applications are due on or before April 21, 2017. Through this fourth RCPP Announcement for Program Funding (APF), NRCS will award up to $252 million dollars to locally driven, public-private partnerships that improve the nation’s water quality, combat drought, enhance soil health, support wildlife habitat and protect agricultural viability. Applicants must match or exceed the federal award with private or local funds.
Press release about the RCPP APF
Application requirements, process and due dates
The Wisconsin DNR is pleased to announce that application materials for 2018 Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) projects are now available on our website. Details are in the Ag Sector Team update, below.
The Wisconsin DNR is pleased to announce that application
materials for 2018 Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management (UNPS)
Planning projects are now available on our website! Details are in the Stormwater/MS4 Sector Team update, below
The Wisconsin DNR is pleased to announce that application materials for 2018 Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) projects are now available on our website. For more information about TRM grants, including what makes a good project, and how to write a strong application, please save the date for an upcoming TRM Grant Webinar, scheduled for February 23, 1:00-2:00 pm.
The Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Grant Program offers competitive cost share grants to local governments for controlling nonpoint source (NPS) pollution. Grants reimburse costs for agriculture or urban runoff management practices in targeted, critical geographic areas with surface water or groundwater quality concerns. Eligible applicants include cities, villages, towns, counties, regional planning commissions, tribal governments and special purpose lake, sewerage and sanitary districts.
- Small scale TRM grants can fund up to 70% of eligible project costs, up to a maximum $150,000 grant award
- Large-scale TRM grants can fund up to 70% of eligible project costs, up to a maximum $1,000,000 grant award. Large Scale TRM project areas can be between 8 and 39 square miles.
Applications for projects starting in 2018 must be postmarked no later than Monday, April 17, 2017.
As part of the effort to address groundwater issues and protect drinking water and public health across Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources is working with key public and agriculture industry stakeholders, state agencies, the State Legislature, the governor and the general public to update ch. NR 151, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR].
Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grant cover costs for entities to conduct farmer nutrient management training courses that enable farmers to become qualified to write their own nutrient management plans for their farms. Producer-led groups that meet the qualifications in the Request for Applications are also eligible to apply for this funding. Deadline: April 15, 2018.
Rachel Rushmann, Program Manager: 608-224-4622
Matt Ruark, UW Extension, explains what cover crops are and how they are used in farming systems.
Insight from 2,020 farmers from across the country reflected enthusiasm for cover crops and — for the fourth year in a row — found a yield boost in corn and soybeans following cover crops. Multiyear data shows the yield boost increases as cover crops are planted year after year, a revelation that points to an appealing long-term benefit of the conservation practice. Read the full summary
Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust (SWWT) celebrate regional Watershed Champions through the Watershed Champion awards program. SWWT will recognize individuals, communities, and organizations that have made significant efforts in securing healthy and sustainable water resources in the Greater Milwaukee watersheds.
The 2017 Watershed Champions nomination process will be announced at our 2nd Annual Love Your Sweet Water Soiree on February 9 2017.
The 2017 Clean Rivers, Clean Lakes Conference will be May 4 at the Florian Park Conference and Event Center in Germantown, Wisconsin. The Conference is an all-day event that includes oral and poster presentations, exhibits, an awards presentation for Sweet Water Mini-Grant recipients, and a celebration of our Watershed Champions!
The theme for this year's conference is Collaboration and Adaptive Planning for a Resilient Future. We are planning a wide variety of presentations from in-the-know individuals and organizations.
Registration will be available on our website in late January
The Wisconsin DNR is pleased to announce that application materials for 2018 Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management (UNPS) Planning projects are now available on our website! For more information about UNPS Planning grants, including what makes a good project and how to write a strong application, please save the date for an upcoming UNPS Planning Grant Webinar, scheduled for February 23, 2:30-3:30 pm.
Please note that if you downloaded the UNPS Planning Grant application or instructions on or before January 13, 2017, the application/instructions contained an error that has now been corrected. You should discard this version and replace it with the current version.
The UNPS Grant Program offers competitive grants for local governments (up to 50% of eligible costs, up to $85,000 maximum grant award) of planning projects for controlling urban nonpoint source and storm water runoff pollution. UNPS grants can reimburse costs for planning activities such as municipal storm water management planning, storm water utility development, local ordinance development, illicit discharge detection and elimination, and public information and outreach activities. Local governments are eligible to apply. Applicants must either have jurisdiction over the project area or be required to control storm water discharge with an inter-governmental agreement between the municipality and the Wisconsin DNR.
Applications for projects starting in 2018 must be postmarked no later than Monday, April 17, 2017.
Sector Team Update
We want to welcome Bryan Hartsook
to the Wastewater Sector Team. Bryan is the new Southeast Wastewater Program Field Supervisor – Water Quality
Bureau. He has
extensive experience working with many stakeholders throughout the greater Milwaukee Basin area
as a Stormwater Engineer with the Runoff
Management Program.
The 2017 CAFO Workshops are coming up soon! The 2017 CAFO workshops will be held at the following dates and locations (registration opens 15 minutes before listed start time):
- January 31, 2017 – Green Bay (Meal 7:30 AM, program follows)
- January 31, 2017 – New London (Meal 11:30 AM, program follows)
- February 1, 2017 – Manitowoc (Meal 7:30 AM, program follows)
- February 1, 2017 – Fond du Lac (Meal 11:30 AM, program follows)
- February 6, 2017 – Jefferson (Meal 11:30 AM, program follows)
- February 7, 2017 – Dodgeville (Meal 11:30 AM, program follows)
- February 8, 2017 – Marshfield (11 AM)
- February 9, 2017 – Rice Lake (Meal 11:30 AM, program follows, earlybird panel 10:30 AM)
The Department of Natural Resources conducts these workshops along with the UW Extension. These workshops provide an update for WPDES permitted CAFO owners and managers, nutrient management plan writers and engineers. Workshop topics include:
- Production Site Compliance
Runoff control/collection from feed storage areas and animal lots
Monitoring & Reporting Compliance
Nutrient Management Compliance
Surface applications and cover crops requirements for CAFOs
DNR Panel Q&A
Registration materials and agendas for each location can be found by clicking on the following link: http://go.wisc.edu/vztbq5
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