Milwaukee River Basin TMDL Implementation - January Newsletter


 Milwaukee River Basin

TMDL Implementation Newsletter

Milwaukee, Menomonee, Kinnickinnic Rivers

Milwaukee Harbor Estuary

Happy New Year - 2017!

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus


"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." - Maya Angelou



Jan 10-12:  Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic

Jan 13, 14:  Returning to the Farm Workshop

Jan 20, 21:  Returning to the Farm Workshop

Jan 23: ATCP 50 Rule Revision Meeting - Appleton

Jan 26:  Farm Estate Planning - UW Extension Webinar 

Feb 1, 2:  NASECA Annual Conference

Mar 23-24:  Stormwater and Construction Training

DNR Logo

TMDL Links

Milwaukee River Basin TMDL


What is a TMDL?

Impaired Waters

Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (AOC)

Milwaukee Estuary AOC

Milwaukee River Sediment

Kinnickinnick River Cleanup

Water Quality Trading

Adaptive Management

Phosphorus Rule


DNR Contacts

Project Manager 

Ag Nonpoint






Newsletter Archive

In future issues, this will provide a link to view archived newsletters.

Gov Delivery

Milwaukee River Basin TMDL Update

The public comment period for  the draft Milwaukee River Basin TMDL has closed.  DNR staff will be developing responses to feedback, making text clarifications and provide written responses to comments.  These will be included as part of the formal TMDL package submitted for approval to USEPA.

TMDL Implementation Meeting

The next TMDL Implementation meeting will be scheduled in early 2017.  We anticipate scheduling the meeting after we have a chance to respond to comments and receive feedback from USEPA later in the first quarter.

Sector Team Updates



Ag Sector Team

The next Ag Sector Team will be meeting Wednesday February 15th at 9am.  The meeting will be held at the Sheboygan County LCD office.  Contact Lisa Creegan for more information. 

Soil and Water Resource Management Grants

Reminder:  Any 2016 Soil and Water Resource management projects that won’t be complete this year must be extended into 2017.  Extension requests (DATCP Form 200), along with the signed cost-share contracts, are due to DATCP by December 31st.   

The Mississippi River Connection

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute has produced this excellent video on efforts to build soil health and Farmer-Led Watershed Initiatives.  The video focuses on efforts by the Farmer led watershed group in the Trout Creek-Mill Creek watershed in southwestern Wisconsin. 

Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic

On January 10-12, 2017, agribusiness industries of Wisconsin will come together at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin for the Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic. This event, formerly the Wisconsin Crop Management Conference, has been renamed to better reflect the addition of programs on feed, agribusiness, and grain management, along with a newly added session for spray rig operators. All the classic program areas – weeds, insects, disease, forages, vegetables, economics, soil and water, nutrient management – are still part of the conference.

Farm Estate Planning

A webinar entitled “Estate Planning for Your Family and Farm” will be held Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017, at various University of Wisconsin-Extension offices across Wisconsin. This webinar is the fifth in a series of webinars from UW-Extension that will focus on a variety of farm succession topics.  This two-hour webinar begins at 1 p.m.

Returning to the Farm Workshop

UW Center for Dairy Profitability, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, University of Wisconsin-Platteville and University of Wisconsin-Extension are offering two series of workshops to help farm families plan for a son, daughter or partner to return to the farm and eventually take over the farm business. The four-day workshops will be offered on the UW-River Falls campus on Jan. 13 and 14 and Feb. 3 and 4, 2017 and at UW-Platteville’s Pioneer Farm Ag Technology Center on Jan. 20 and 21 and Feb.  17 and 18, 2017.



Water Quality Guidance Public Comment Period

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is seeking public comment on guidance that helps evaluate the status of the state’s surface water quality.  This guidance is known as the Wisconsin Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology (WisCALM).

A 2018 version of WisCALM [PDF] has been drafted and is open for public comment. From December 20, 2016 to January 27, 2017, DNR is asking for public input on the updates to its assessment and listing methodology. These comments will be considered in further updates made before the guidance is used to assess water quality in early 2017.

Fund for Lake Michigan Commits $250,000 to Estabrook Dam Removal

(Milwaukee WI) – In a major boost to improve the Milwaukee River, the Fund for Lake Michigan is pledging $250,000 toward the long-anticipated removal of the Estabrook Dam.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to regain miles of free-flowing river,” said Vicki Elkin, Executive Director of the Fund. “The dam removal aligns perfectly with our mission to improve water quality in both Lake Michigan and its tributaries. We’re thrilled to be involved.”

Removing the dam will restore crucial habitat for native fish species including sturgeon, walleye, salmon and trout. It will also restore the river's natural flow and clear sediment and unsightly debris which accumulates upstream of the dam.



Website Update

WDNR has launched a draft version of a new format for TMDL websites.  The new format can be viewed on the draft Rock River Recovery TMDL site.  The main page (aka landing page) has been simplified to provide quick and uncluttered access to most basic and fundamental information for the TMDL.  It is also setup to provide an introduction to TMDLs and TMDL implementation. While the landing page will be static with very limited updates, it provides direct linkages to dynamic pages.  These are the pages where more advanced and most up-to-date information will be stored.  There are a number of benefits to this framework, including;

  • convenient grouping of information types by "tabs",
  • links to dynamic data sets, GIS data, and reporting documents,
  • facilitates timely updates,
  • provides breadth and depth of data repository and archives to maintain historic information,
  • and links to dynamic mapping applications.

This is a draft site and we are looking for feedback on it.  We will be continuing to refine and populate the dynamic pages throughout 2017.  If you have thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to submit them to Mark Riedel, TMDL Project Manager.  Where possible, we will work to incorporate suggestions that improve functionality and add value to the dynamic pages.


Stormwater (MS4)

MS4 Stormwater Permits & Reporting

Notice: Pursuant to s. NR 216.07(8), Wis. Adm. Code, an owner or operator of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is required to submit an annual report to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) by March 31 of each year to report on activities for the previous calendar year.

Construction:  Two new forms are being provided by the DNR for the user’s convenience.

Construction Site Inspection Report Form

Construction Site Inspection Corrective Action Photos

2016 Annual Reporting:

WI–S050075–2 MS4 Permittees

WI–S050181–1 MS4 Permittees


MS4 Stormwater Updates

To receive timely email updates on MS4 and stormwater topics relevant to your municipality, organization or industry, subscribe to the following Gov-Delivery topics;

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)   
  • Construction Site Storm water
  • Industrial Storm Water

Leaf Removal for Stormwater Nutrient Reductions

A new study by USGS has been published reporting on the evaluation of leaf removal as a means to reduce nutrient concentrations and loads in urban stormwater. 

NASECA-WI Construction Site Erosion Control and Stormwater Permit Compliance Training

Focusing on Engineers, Site Managers, Site Superintendents, Contractor Superintendents and Foremen, BMP Installers and Inspectors

March 23-24, 2017
8:00 am-4:30 pm (Breakfast and registration at 8 am)

Program Flyer




Multi-Discharger Variance (MDV)

There are no status updates to report for the MDV.  The final MDV package was mailed to the EPA on March 30, 2016. Upon EPA approval, the multi-discharge variance package will become an additional tool for WPDES permit holders facing restrictive phosphorus limitations.  As the department works with EPA towards approval of the multi-discharger variance package, additional status updates will be provided.


Grant Information

Request for applications for Cover Crops Champions -- Deadline: January 15, 2017

The National Wildlife Federation is accepting applications for farmers and conservation professionals, i.e. “champions”, to conduct outreach to promote cover crops and provide region-specific information and farming knowledge to farmers and crop advisors. Selected applicants will receive financial support for time, travel, and presentation materials, a training on messaging and presentation tools, and access to an elite network of other cover crop champions. Applicants are sought from the following states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio.