Introduction to Data Element Highlights
These highlights are intended to provide clarification to frequently asked questions or common errors in answering required data elements. These data element highlights are applicable to Wisconsin Department of Health Services classified trauma care facilities and those preparing for a new classification. For suggested future editions, please email the DHS Trauma Team at
Data Element TR200.14.1 ICD 10 AIS Codes
Data element definition: The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) code(s) that reflect the patient's injuries.
Education and Clarification: Within Patient Registry, AIS codes are auto populated after an International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) diagnosis code (TR200.1) is entered for a patient. The auto populated codes are determined by data submissions to the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) from trauma centers across the country. There are potential errors in the data submitted to the NTDB. Due to this, an incorrect AIS code may auto populate within Patient Registry. Each AIS code must be reviewed for accuracy. Do not assume the auto populated code is correct.
For questions or comments, please reach out to the DHS Trauma Program at