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OCMH 2024 Annual Report Briefing
Friday, January 10, 2025
10-11 am
In-Person and Virtual
Wisconsin State Capitol - GAR Hall (413 N)
Register here.
Join us as we present 10-year children's mental health data trends, hear from two young people, reflect on children's mental health in Wisconsin over the past 10 years, and look ahead.
OCMH holds four children’s mental health learning meetings each year. Formerly called the Collective Impact Council, beginning in 2025 OCMH welcomes anyone interested in children’s mental health to join this Children’s Mental Health Network distribution list to receive notice of the meetings and attend.
These quarterly meetings help attendees stay current on what is happening in children’s mental health in Wisconsin and connect to a broad network of individuals working to improve children's well-being.
People currently on the Collective Impact Council will remain on the distribution list and see no change in meeting notifications, the meeting structure, and related follow up.
Meeting dates for 2025 are February 7, May 2, August 1, and November 7. Meetings are virtual from 10 am-12 pm.
2025 meeting topics will be announced in the February 7th meeting. Attendees of the November 1, 2024 meeting were invited to suggest meeting topics and an annual agenda was formed from those.
Sign up to join OCMH’s Children’s Mental Health Network here.
Like many rural areas in the state, Ashland and Bayfield Counties face limited access to care with the result often being patients in mental health crisis being transported long distances for inpatient care. See what a regional coalition in Bayfield and Ashland Counties did to improve the behavioral health response system and reduce the number of crisis calls. See the Showcasing Solutions here.
OCMH’s Showcasing Solutions tells stories of positive things happening in children’s mental health in Wisconsin. See all our Showcasing Solutions here.
Wisconsin Youth in Crisis
Many families across the state are continuing to grapple with their children’s poor mental health. According to the Youth Risk Behaviors Survey (YRBS) data, six out of 10 high school students reported at least one mental health concern. Marginalized students, especially girls and LGBT youth, are suffering higher rates of mental health problems. Over time, rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidal thinking have all increased among Wisconsin youth.
Additional stats fill out the story:
Major Depressive Episodes – youth and young adults ages 12-25 suffer from Major Depressive Episodes at a much greater rate (2.5 times greater) than the adult population at large.
Young adult mental illness – there has been a substantial increase (by 42%) in the rate of young adults ages 18-25 with a diagnosed mental illness in the five-year period 2017-2021.
Teen suicide – there has been a similar increase in the past 10 years of youth considering suicide (41% increase) and attempting suicide (45% increase).
Dig deeper into these stats in OCMH’s infographic on Youth in Crisis.
2025-2026 Legislative Session. The new Legislative Session began on Monday, January 6 with the inauguration of new and returning legislators. Republicans maintain majorities in both the Assembly and Senate, although by slimmer margins. In the Assembly, Republicans have 54 seats to the Democrats’ 45. In the Senate, the Republicans have a majority –18 seats to the Democrats’ 15, but not a supermajority that would allow the override of a veto by Gov. Tony Evers.
Both Houses have announced Committee assignments (Assembly; Senate; Joint Committees). For the first half of 2025, the Legislature will be occupied largely with preparing and passing a 2025-26 State Budget. This will be an important time to connect with legislators on children’s mental health issues and how to support improved access to care for children.
Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors. On December 18, the Study Committee discussed these preliminary bill drafts:
LRB-0629 Detention of a Minor (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) Clinician initiation of emergency detention of a minor, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
LRB-0616 Minors' Safety Plans (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) Sharing minors’ safety plans and making an appropriation.
LRB-0615 Age of Consent (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) The age at which a child’s consent to a voluntary placement agreement is required.
LRB-0613 Treatment Facilities (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule making authority.
LRB-0947 Youth MA Program (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) Authorizing youth behavioral health program under the Medical Assistance program and granting rule-making authority.
LRB-0965 Transporting Minors (Study Committee on Emergency Detention and Civil Commitment of Minors) Transportation of minors for emergency detention.
Drafts, revised to reflect changes recommended by the Committee, will be circulated in January for a vote by mail.
New Medicaid Housing Benefit. Starting February 1, 2025, Wisconsin will launch a new initiative to provide housing support services to Wisconsin Medicaid members experiencing housing insecurity who are also affected by substance use or mental health conditions. Wisconsin is one of the first states in the nation to use housing solutions funded through Medicaid to achieve improved health outcomes for members. To use this new benefit, Wisconsin Medicaid members must be at least 18 years old, experiencing or be at risk of homelessness, have a substance use or mental health condition, and meet specific income thresholds. The benefit does not cover rent or ongoing expenses but helps with developing a housing plan and ongoing assistance and counseling.
"People experiencing homelessness often rely on hospital emergency departments for care and may find it difficult to follow a doctors' instructions to manage their medical and behavioral health conditions," said Medicaid Director Bill Hanna. "It's hard to plan to take your medicine at bedtime when you don't know where you're going to sleep at night."
For adults who are struggling with substance use or mental health challenges, having a place they can call home can significantly improve their overall health and quality of life. Housing security can also have a positive effect on the children in their lives. DHS news release.
Mental Health Journal for Kids from MHA Lakeshore
Mental Health America Lakeshore offers a free journal to help kids explore happiness, calm, and strength through thinking, writing, and drawing. The journal is all about building resilience muscles and is perfect for parents, caregivers, and teachers to do together with children. The journal is called “Grow Stronger. Shine Brighter. This Year is Yours!” Download it here.
Learn more about the “Grow Stronger. Shine Brighter. This Year is Yours!” journal in their blog post.
January – Focus on Mental Wellness
January is a month when many people set goals and priorities for the year ahead so a perfect time to focus on our mental health. Being mentally healthy is a vital part of our overall well-being. Carve out time to research mental wellness some time this month. Here are some places to start:
AHW Childhood Behavioral Health Survey
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin (AHW) Endowment invites childhood behavioral health networks to help them assess the current landscape of childhood behavioral health resources in Wisconsin by taking this survey. The information will help them identify strategies, interventions, successes, and challenges related to childhood behavioral health in Wisconsin.
National Mentor a Youth Month is January
Youth with a mentor are:
- 92% more likely to volunteer regularly in their communities.
- 75% more likely to have held a leadership position in a club or sports team.
- 22% more likely to have experienced a strong sense of belonging while growing up.
And 58% of young people say their mentor has supported their mental health.
Learn more about mentoring youth here.
Request for Applications – Crisis Program Enhancement Grants
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services Division of Care and Treatment Services outlines a funding opportunity for crisis programs. The funding may be used by counties or regions comprised of multiple counties to establish or enhance crisis programs to serve people experiencing behavioral health emergencies in rural areas. It may also be used to establish or enhance collaborations with law enforcement to support better responses to behavioral health emergencies. Applications are due January 17, 2025. Learn more here.