Small Talks is a statewide campaign that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have frequent conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
 Holiday safety
The winter holiday season is here. These celebrations traditionally involve the presence of alcohol. Keep in mind young people are paying attention and their idea of acceptable behavior when it comes to alcohol use is formed by watching adults.
Step up prevention activities this time of year by:
Year-round outreach
Preventing underage drinking (and other substance use concerns) relies on the good work happening every day within communities across Wisconsin. Every conversation you start, every resource you provide, and every barrier you break down helps everyone in Wisconsin live their best life.
We've created a year-long social media calendar you can use to align your efforts with our efforts. The Substance Use: Prevention and Healthy Living page on our website includes grab-and-go Facebook posts related to Small Talks and our other campaigns on substance use concerns, including Real Talks Wisconsin and Dose of Reality. We hope you find this social media calendar a valuable resource that helps you make meaningful connections with the people in your networks.
Looking for more Small Talks materials to share in your community? Use the items in the toolkit on the Small Talks: Partner Resources page on our website.
The billboard below was posted this summer along Ryan Road (Highway 100) in Franklin.
 Yard sign
The yard sign below was placed in September outside of the state Capitol in Madison for the 2024 Rally for Recovery.
 How are you promoting small talks in your community? Send information about your efforts to DHSDCTSSmallTalks@dhs.wisconsin.gov. Your work may be featured in the next Small Talks Newsletter.
The events and trainings listed below are open to everyone interested in creating safe and supportive communities.
Wisconsin Substance Use Prevention Conference
The Wisconsin Substance Use Prevention Conference returns in 2025. The dates and location will be set soon. Watch our website for updates.
 Sign up for our Small Talks email list to receive future editions of this newsletter.
The next Small Talks Newsletter will be issued in the spring. Email your feedback on this newsletter to DHSDCTSSmallTalks@dhs.wisconsin.gov.