Trauma-Informed News and Notes for June 2024

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Trauma-Informed News and Notes, June 2024

"Saying, Not Saying" campaign

“Saying, Not Saying” is a mental health campaign to reveal all the things left unsaid when answering the question, “How are you?” The goal is to show that mental health concerns aren’t always visible, but being honest about mental health can help people feel empowered to talk about it and seek help when needed. It’s a simple, powerful campaign that will help Wisconsinites understand the importance of their mental health. Promote this campaign in your community! Go to the DHS website for social media shareables and tag your posts with #SayingNotSayingWI. 

Saying Not Saying

ACEs, adversity's impact 

Brain and biology

Courts, juvenile justice, corrections, and probation



Trauma-informed teaching strategies can benefit all students

Substance use disorder

Posttraumatic stress disorder


Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2 spirit (MMIWG2S): A crisis rooted in the continuation of colonial injustice

Trauma-informed care