CRS: Winter Newsletter 2024

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Community Recovery Services

Winter Newsletter 2024

The Community Recovery Services (CRS) newsletter is published twice a year, in the summer and winter. People who subscribe to the DHS CRS provider email list will receive these newsletters when they are published. Not on our CRS provider email list? Sign up now. You can read previous editions of this newsletter on the CRS: Provider Resources webpage on the DHS website.

Need to reach the DHS CRS team? Email

A note from DHS CRS staff 

We want to take a moment to express our gratitude and appreciation for all the work you do to support CRS consumers to live their best life. We acknowledge this work is challenging and requires patience and resiliency. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.

Jen Patridge
CRS Coordinator

Amy Cottington
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Outreach Specialist

Current programs and consumers 

Currently, 17 counties are enrolled to provide CRS. Only nine of the 17 have enrolled CRS participants. There were 135 CRS participants statewide at the end of 2023. See the full list on the CRS webpage on the DHS website.

Incident reporting data

Four counties reported incidents as of December 1, 2023. There were 22 total incidents including:

  • Eight related to physical altercations between residents in the same facility.
  • Five related to unexpected consumer deaths.
  • Three related to unexpected illness.
  • Three related to sexually inappropriate behaviors between residents within a facility.

There were 16 total incidents in 2022.

Training and resources

A 10-hour online CRS orientation training is available in collaboration with UW-Green Bay. Tribal nations, counties, and contracted providers who are registered through Behavioral Health Training Partnership have free access to this training. 

The following resources are available on the CRS: Providers Trainings page on the DHS website:

  • An Introduction: Community Recovery Services (Please note that an updated training to reflect the changes from DCTS Action Memo 2023-10 will be available soon.)
  • An Introduction: Community Recovery Services Periodic Progress Notes
  • Community Recovery Services Incident Reporting Overview

The resources and trainings below may also be relevant for CRS staff and consumers:

DCTS Action Memo 2023-10 reminder

DCTS Action Memo 2023-10 was published on April 20, 2023. Please use this memo in combination with the ForwardHealth Updates 2010-94 and 2018-17 as the guiding documents for CRS. DCTS Action Memo 2023-10 outlines the requirements for tribal nations and county agencies providing services as an enrolled CRS program as identified in the 1905(a) State Plan Amendment. The requirements outlined in this document replace DCTS Action Memo 2018-10 and DCTS Action Memo 2019-15. 

Documentation oversight and monitoring process

  • Ten counties completed the documentation oversight process in 2023.
  • Three counties completed the monitoring process in 2023. 

Thank you to all counties who participated in the documentation oversight and monitoring process and for the prompt responses to documentation and home visit requests.

Training available  

Did you miss the July 2024 CRS Quarterly Meeting? Watch the recording! There was a presentation on the importance of accurately distinguishing physical health symptoms from mental health symptoms.

Upcoming meetings 

Mark your calendars for upcoming 2024 quarterly meetings to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.:

  • April 17, 2024
  • July 17, 2024
  • October 16, 2024

Find the schedule for these meetings and copies of the materials shared on the CRS: Providers Resources page. Have an idea for an agenda item? Contact the DHS CRS team at