Introduction to Data Element Highlights
These highlights are intended to provide clarification to frequently asked questions or common errors in answering required data elements. These data element highlights are applicable to Wisconsin Department of Health Services classified trauma care facilities and those preparing for a new classification. For suggested future editions, please email DHS Trauma Team (
Data Element TR33.1 Referring Hospital
Applicable to all classified trauma centers starting January 1, 2024
Data element definition: The name of the facility that cared for the patient immediately before the patient arrived at your facility.
Note: The Wisconsin Trauma Data Dictionary is prepared, maintained and updated by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and is published on the Department’s Trauma webpage.
Education and Clarification: In the example scenario of a patient arriving at Hospital A, is transferred to Hospital B, and is transferred to Hospital C, in the trauma registry, Hospital B would select Hospital A as their referring hospital. In addition, Hospital C would select Hospital B as their referring hospital. A common error is that Hospital B will select itself as the referring hospital as the patient was transferred from their hospital to another hospital. A hospital cannot be its own referring hospital.