Criteria Highlight 14(b)

DHS Logo Original 07/11/2018

Wisconsin Trauma Care System

Introduction to Criteria Highlights

These highlights are intended to provide clarification to frequently asked questions or recently cited deficiencies. These criteria highlights are applicable to Wisconsin Department of Health Services classified level III and level IV trauma care facilities. For suggested future editions, please email DHS Trauma Team at

Criteria 14(b): Discharge to Inpatient Hospice 

Applicable to level III and IV facilities, type 2 deficiency

Criteria: The TCF must submit the required data elements, defined by the Wisconsin Trauma Data Dictionary to the Wisconsin trauma registry. Note: The Wisconsin Trauma Data Dictionary is prepared, maintained, and updated by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and is published on DHS' trauma webpage

Education and clarification: 

If a patient is transferred to inpatient hospice within your hospital, the patient’s care transitioned to the hospice service but the patient had not been discharged or transferred from your hospital at that time, TR25.93 Hospital Discharge Date and TR25.94 Hospital Discharge Time should reflect the patient’s final discharge from your hospital. This is due to the fact the patient transitioned care but has not been discharged from your hospital. If the patient expires, the date and time should be consistent with their death certificate.
