Workforce Development Grant (WFD) Update
This message is being sent to local public health officers, Tribal health directors, and key DPH staff.
Grant extended through June 30, 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has received approval from the CDC for an extension to the Workforce Development Grant through June 30, 2024. The $8.2 million in funding supports K-12 school health service staff in schools throughout the state. In partnership with the 12 regional Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) funding allocated to public schools will continue to be available through the extended period.
Districts are highly encouraged to participate in this one-of-a-kind funding to support their school health staff. If your district has not spent the funding as detailed in their MOU with your regional CESA, the funding can continue to be used to incentivize and retain school nurses and support the pursuit of wellness activities and professional development for school nurses and health services staff. CESAs have established memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with school districts to facilitate the funding.
If your district did not opt in to receive the funding during the 2022/2023 school year, you may contact your CESA to still do so.
Suggested use of funding
Registered Nurses/School Nurses may be provided with a stipend ($50.00 per course) for completion of these activities:
Questions or requests for support: Please contact WFD program staff at DHSCOVID19WFDgrant@dhs.wisconsin.gov.