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Small Talks: Third Quarter 2022 Newsletter
Wisconsin Department of Health Services sent this bulletin at 08/25/2022 07:00 AM CDT
Small Talks: Third Quarter 2022 Newsletter
The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have short, casual conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Add talks about alcohol to the back-to-school checklist
Every school year brings a chance for a fresh start with lots of new opportunities. But it can also bring new pressure to fit in, which can make it a challenge for kids to say "yes" to healthy decisions and "no" to underage drinking. Talk with the kids in your life now and throughout the school year to set expectations for a healthy year and beyond. Here are some tips for your next small talk:
Discuss your values and share the behaviors you expect.
Help them advocate for themselves by practicing with them on how to say no to risky behaviors.
Describe the effects of alcohol on the developing brain.
The beginning of the school year can be an emotional time for kids and caregivers. After all, it’s a transition—and even good changes can be stressful. That’s okay. There are many things you can do to help the kids in your life start the school year strong. Get tips from our partners at Resilient Wisconsin.
Small Talks store closes September 22, 2022
Time is running out to get Small Talks items shipped to you at no cost. The Small Talks store will close September 22, 2022. This is your last opportunity to get things for yourself, your agency, your community group, and your school. Place your order today!
Small Talks across Wisconsin
Douglas County
The Douglas County Drug Prevention Coalition has created Small Talks packets to hand out to parents and caregivers at school events. The packet includes a small postcard with talk tips, a magnet, a window cling, a fridge lock, and more.
Walworth County
The Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services is using materials provided through the Small Talks store to bring the Small Talks campaign to county residents. Flyers, window clings, cooler door signs, pins, posters, stickers, and yard signs have been posted at their office and at businesses where alcohol can be purchased. Fridge locks were handed out at a National Night Out event this month. A booth featuring Small Talks resources will be setup at the county fair Labor Day weekend.
**The next edition of this newsletter will be published in November 2022.**
Do not reply directly to this email message. If you have questions about the Small Talks underage drinking prevention campaign, email the Division of Care and Treatment Services.