The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have frequent conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Add small talks to your spring and summer chores
It is time for barbecues, pool days, and family vacations. Along with the parties and picnics comes the seemingly unlimited supply of alcoholic beverages, often tempting young people. Rather than stopping young people from going to spring and summer events altogether, use this time as an opportunity to openly discuss the dangers of alcohol use. Remember, young people respect what their parents and other role models have to say when it comes to serious matters like alcohol. Get helpful suggestions for tackling tough questions and ideas for getting the conversations started. Still nervous? It's normal. Watch how other parents and caregivers worked through their stage fright and started having small talks. Before you start talking, get the facts on underage drinking in Wisconsin.
Small Talks webinar draws big crowd
The Wisconsin Public Psychiatry Network Teleconference recently featured a Small Talks presentation. More than 400 health and human services professionals participated in the live webinar. Watch the recording.
Free Small Talks materials going quickly, order today
Your opportunity to order free Small Talks materials shipped to you at no cost is coming to a close. Our warehouse of items is nearly cleared out. We will not be replenishing our supplies at this time. Order today to ensure you have Small Talks materials to share in your community. See everything that's available to order on the Small Talks: Partner Resources page or place your order right now.
Small Talks tour underway
We highlighted Small Talks at our 2022 Opioids, Stimulants, and Trauma Summit, which was held recently in La Crosse. More than 300 people had an opportunity to learn more about the campaign and pick up materials. This was the first of many stops this year for our Small Talks road show. Hosting an event? Want our Small Talks display to be present? Email us.
Dane County. Regent Mental Health Group in Madison is sharing Small Talks materials with patients to prompt conversations on the importance of talking with young people about the dangers of underage drinking.
Dane County. The Sun Prairie Wellness Coalition is handing out Small Talks materials in Sun Prairie.
Milwaukee County. Milwaukee Area Technical College is posting Small Talks information in student life offices at all campus locations.
Milwaukee County. West Allis-West Milwaukee Safe & Supported and the West Allis-West Milwaukee Heroin Opiate Task Force has purchased Small Talks billboards in West Allis and West Milwaukee.
 Wood County. Wood County Human Services has purchased Small Talks billboards in Marshfield and Wisconsin Rapids.
 Tell us or show us how you are implementing the Small Talks campaign in your home or community. Email us. Your story and/or photo may be featured in a future Small Talks campaign newsletter.
Sign up for our Small Talks email list to receive future editions of this newsletter.
**The next edition of this newsletter will be published in August 2022.**