The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have frequent conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Anytime, anywhere
Small talks are short, casual conversations that help adults connect with kids on the important stuff, like underage drinking. Having lots of small talks over time helps build trust and set expectations as kids change and grow. Luckily, there’s no big production necessary. Just choose the alcohol-free moment that feels right to you.
Watching a show or movie: "Why do you think the character drinks?"
Listening to music: "Do your favorite bands ever sing about using drugs?"
Playing video games: "How do you and your friends have fun?"
Visit the Small Talks: Start Talking, It Makes a Difference page for talk tips and more.
Coming soon: Excessive Alcohol Use Awareness Month
April is Excessive Alcohol Use Awareness Month. Excessive alcohol use includes underage drinking. Take time in April to promote the Small Talks campaign.
Visit the Small Talks: Do More Than Talk page to learn how to use your influence to make a difference in your community.
We are planning a statewide social media advertising campaign to raise awareness among parents, caregivers, and role models about the importance of talking about the dangers of underage drinking.
Watch your email. A special edition of the Small Talks campaign newsletter will be released in March with more information on how you can use Excessive Alcohol Use Awareness Month to prevent excessive alcohol consumption and its harmful consequences.
Get Small Talks materials delivered to you at no cost
Need printed copies of Small Talks handouts, fact sheets, and posters? Want a Small Talks yard sign? Want Small Talks stickers, pins, magnets, or fridge locks? Order them today. All of the items in the Small Talks store are free. There's no charge for shipping. Your organization's logo can be placed on some of the items. Order today to ensure you'll have materials for Excessive Alcohol Use Awareness Month. See everything that's available to order on the Small Talks: Partner Resources page or place your order right now.
We've heard you. Many of the videos produced for the Small Talks campaign now are available for download. This should make it easier for you to use them in advertising and social media posts. The download links are available on the Small Talks: Partners Resources page.
Ashland County. The Chequamegon Coalition on Emerging Drugs promoted the Small Talks campaign through 160 radio commercials broadcast on four radio stations this month around the Super Bowl.
Calumet County: REACH teamed up with the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative on a $10,000 media buy in the fall of 2021 focused on the connection between alcohol and some cancers. The media buy resulted in 1.65 million impressions.
Door County. The Door County Alcohol and Other Drug Coalition ran the Small Talks "Tips from Talkers" video series on their Facebook page in October and November 2021.
Rock County: Building a Safer Evansville adapted the materials available on the Small Talks: Partners Resources page to work for their community. They've hosted a Small Talks Family Meal community event, placed ‘Lock Up, Talk Up’ display boxes in local businesses with QR codes to order alcohol lock tops, and purchased billboard and movie theater ad placements. Their paid media campaign had over 1.69 million views and handed out over 13,000 direct mailers to homes.
 Tell us or show us how you are implementing the Small Talks campaign in your home or community. Email us. Your story and/or photo may be featured in a future Small Talks campaign newsletter.
Sign up for our Small Talks email list to receive future editions of this newsletter.
**The next edition of this newsletter will be published in May 2022.**