The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have frequent, casual conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Ways to prevent underage drinking during the holidays
Have age-appropriate conversations about alcohol Kids may have more exposure to alcohol during the holiday season. Research shows that parents and other caring adults are the most powerful influence on a young person's choices about underage drinking. Tips for having age-appropriate conversations about alcohol.
Prepare kids for situations with alcohol Kids who have tools to handle peer pressure are more likely to make healthy choices and stay alcohol-free. For young people, finding ways to navigate social situations and stay alcohol-free takes practice and support. Tips for helping kids when they're on their own.
Limit opportunities for alcohol use For adults, holiday parties may include alcohol. If you’re hosting an adult holiday party where alcohol is present, make sure you have other plans for kids or consider hosting an alcohol-free event. That's good for you, good for guests who may be in recovery from an alcohol use disorder, and kids. Should it be an event where all ages and alcohol are included, remember that kids are always watching and model good behavior. Adults should avoid binge drinking and driving after drinking. Pregnant people should not drink. Tips for doing more than talking.
Add some color to your small talks
Have a small talk while coloring! Complete one or all of the Resilient Wisconsin coloring sheets with the kids in your life. Go to to print the coloring sheets. Post your completed artwork on your social media channels using #ResilientWisconsin.
Our gift to you: Free materials
Thank you for sharing Small Talks handouts, posters, yard signs, stickers, and more in your community. Stock up for 2022. Order Small Talks materials today. All materials are provided free of charge. See what's available on the Small Talks: Partner Resources webpage.
Seen and heard on social media
Check out some of our new Small Talks champions! These social media influencers with Wisconsin ties are sharing information about Small Talks with the parents, caring adults, and other role models who follow them.
- Former Green Bay Packers wide receiver and "Dancing with the Stars" champion Donald Driver (top row below)
- Mom and creative designer Lindsay Bartlet (middle row below, left)
- Mom Kyla Marie Charles. Check out her MomChatMonday podcast. (middle row below, right)
- Milwaukee Bucks assistant coach and former NBA all-star Vin Baker. (bottom row below, left)
- Comedian Kristen Brey (bottom row below, right)
Promote Small Talks on your social media channels. Use posts we've created or use them for inspiration for posts you create. Use #SmallTalksWI on all of your social media posts.
More than just alcohol
Small talks with kids can be effective beyond just alcohol. Parents and role models across Wisconsin are making a big different in kids' choices about prescription medications and other drugs through frequent, casual conversations. Learn how to keep the conversation going beyond alcohol.