The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have short, casual conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Back to school: A great moment to talk with kids about alcohol
A new school year often brings a fresh start. For kids, it is a new opportunity to wake up on time, get homework done early, and accomplish academic goals. For adults like you, it can be a time to revisit conversations with the kids in your life about the dangers of underage drinking. Although it may not always seem like it, kids do hear the concerns of their parents and other adult role models, which is why it’s so important to discuss early and often the risks of using alcohol. If you haven't started talking, now is the perfect time start. Don't know where to start? Keep these five conservations goals in mind:
Keep it casual. No fancy script or setting required. Just think about what you want to share with your kid before diving in, and take advantage of the one-on-one moments in your family routine.
Control your emotions. Be prepared to hear things you may not expect or like very much. Try taking a few deep breaths and keep listening. Wait to talk about your feelings when you’re calm.
No answer? Don’t panic. It’s okay to admit when you need to learn more. Remember, you don’t have to discuss everything all at once. It’s better to have lots of short, casual talks as kids grow, anyway.
Set clear expectations. Make sure kids know that underage drinking is illegal and unacceptable. Set clear expectations for their behavior and enforce your house rules consistently.
Be a nonjudgmental resource. Become your kid’s go-to for information and support—instead of friends or the internet—by taking all of their questions seriously and providing calm, nonjudgmental answers.
Looking for more tips on how to start talking? Visit
Today's homework assignment: Check out
We've been busy updating with new information and resources.
Extra credit: Show your support of Small Talks
Your partnership is critical in our efforts to reduce underage drinking in Wisconsin. The Small Talks: Partner Resources page has new materials to help raise awareness of the dangers underage drinking and steps adults can take to prevent it. The new materials include fact sheets that can be handed out at schools and community events and posts for Facebook and Instagram.
Shop for supplies: New items in the Small Talks store
 We've been offering you the opportunity to get Small Talks items shipped to you at no cost for over a year. If you haven't checked out the Small Talks store lately, now is the time to see what's available. Get things for yourself, your agency, your community group, and your school. New items added to the store in recent weeks include a fridge lock with the Small Talks logo, handouts for role models, a magnet, a pin, a sticker, and a vinyl banner. We have a limited supply of some of these items. Place your order today!
Show and tell: Small Talks across Wisconsin
The Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth used Small Talks materials as part of its "Plant the Seed" campaign. For this campaign, reusable bags were filled with an herb growing kit and Small Talks handouts. The herb grow kit was an activity that parents and youth could do together and provided an opportunity for the family to have a conversation about alcohol. The grow kits were distributed earlier this year to youth participating in an after-school program.