Wisconsin Long-term Care (LTC) Education Series

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Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Prevention Program 

Save the Date: New Wisconsin Long-Term Care (LTC) Education Series

The Wisconsin HAI Prevention Program is launching a monthly LTC-focused education series starting in May. 

This series will provide a rotation of education presentations on topics that include infection prevention, HAIs, antibiotic stewardship, disease surveillance, and outbreak response for staff at skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, local health departments, and other LTC stakeholders. Each session will feature a new, timely topic presented by DHS program staff, HAI Infection Preventionists (IPs), partner organizations, or other external subject matter experts.

The LTC Education Series will occur on the fourth Thursday of every month from 10:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. via Zoom (the same link will be used for each session). The first hour will focus on a different monthly education topic, including time for Q&A, and the remaining half-hour will be available as needed for DHS updates. Each topic will be announced in advance for audience awareness. All sessions in the series will be recorded and posted to the HAI IP education webpage.

First session: Thursday, May 27, 10:30 a.m.

Topic: GI Illness and Outbreaks in LTCFs

Wisconsin and surrounding states are in the midst of an increase in GI illness outbreaks. This session will review not only surveillance and response to GI illness in LTCFs, but also infection prevention and control principles that should be part of facilities’ prevention and response practices. Symptoms of GI illness are part of the wide-ranging symptoms possible for COVID-19 so facilities need to consider both conditions as part of their investigation and response.

Presenters: HAI and Enterics Programs, Wisconsin Division of Public Health

Access via Zoom or dial 312-626-6799, Webinar ID: 867 7359 6112


Please feel free to send suggested topics for this series to the HAI Program.