Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have short, casual conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Now is a great time to talk with kids about alcohol. We've created new materials that offer practical, evidence-based advice to help you feel more prepared to have small talks.
Updated webpage
Visit the Small Talks: Start Talking, It Makes Difference webpage for more tips and more tools, including answers to tough questions you may get during a small talk and step-by-step guidance on how to teach kids to say "no" to alcohol in peer pressure situations.
Fact sheets
Check out our new facts sheets before your next small talk.
Join us in promoting the new Small Talks materials. We've added an Alcohol Awareness Month toolkit to the Small Talks: Partner Resources webpage. Are you promoting the Small Talks campaign as part of Alcohol Awareness Month? We want to know! Send us an email with the details. Your efforts may be featured in a future Small Talks newsletter.
Order materials
Need printed copies of Small Talks materials? Select materials are available at no cost. Order them now. You'll receive your order in a few days. Materials are available while supplies last.
Governor Evers has issued a proclamation for Alcohol Awareness Month.
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