BCD: CDC Releases Updated COVID-19 IPC Guidance for LTCF

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Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Prevention Program

CDC's Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Nursing Homes

On March 29, 2021, CDC released updated infection prevention and control guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities (LTCF).

CDC notes that two prior guidance documents, “Responding to COVID-19 in Nursing Homes” and “Performing Facility-wide SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Nursing Homes” were merged with this guidance.

In addition, the updated guidance addresses a number of topics, including:

  • Visitation and physical distancing measures.
  • Universal use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by health care personnel (HCP).
  • Management of residents who had close contact with someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • Circumstances when quarantine is recommended for residents who leave the facility.
  • Responding to a newly identified SARS-CoV-2-infected HCP or resident.
  • Quarantine and work exclusion considerations for asymptomatic residents and HCP who are within 90 days of resolved infection.

The updated guidance, Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Nursing Homes, is available on the CDC website.