The Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking Quarterly Newsletter is published four times a year with information on Wisconsin's underage drinking prevention campaign. Small Talks is a statewide campaign created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services that encourages adults – especially parents and caregivers – to have short, casual conversations about the dangers of underage drinking with the kids in their lives starting at age 8.
Featured resource: Talking points
Giving a presentation on the Small Talks campaign to a community or parent group? Use the Small Talks campaign talking points. You'll highlight all of the key messages people need to know. Be sure to tell the group that they can join the Small Talks campaign by using the resources available on the Small Talks: Partner Resources webpage.
Tips from talkers
Hear from Wisconsin parents, caregivers, coaches, and mentors on what they've learned when having small talks with the kids in their lives. Visit the Small Talks: Tips from Talkers webpage. Share these videos with your family and friends.
Coming soon: Alcohol Awareness Month
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Watch for new information on the Small Talks website. Parents and caregivers will find more tips, more tools, and more answers to tough questions that may come up during small talks. In addition, there will be step-by-step guidance on how to teach kids to say "no" to alcohol in peer pressure situations.
Order Small Talks materials
For a limited time, you can order Small Talks campaign materials free of charge shipped directly to you at no cost. Need printed copies of the Small Talks handouts/fact sheets? Order them today. Want a Small Talks yard sign? Order it today. Looking for printed copies of the Small Talks posters? They are available in the ordering portal. Some of the materials are available in multiple languages. Place your order now and you'll get the materials in time for Alcohol Awareness Month.
Dodge County: The Blue Zones Project, in partnership with Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention Dodge County, placed Small Talks ads on online video and streaming TV platforms in December and January targeting households with kids.
Portage County: The Portage County Health and Human Services Department's Division of Public Health placed a Small Talks ad (photo below) on a city bus in Stevens Point in January.
 Tell us or show us how you are implementing the Small Talks campaign in your home or community. Email us. Your story and/or photo could be featured in a future Small Talks campaign newsletter.
Sign up for our Small Talks email list to receive future editions of this newsletter.
**The next edition of this newsletter will be published in May 2021.**