Wisconsin Receiving First Shipment of Pfizer Vaccine This Week

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Immunization Program

Wisconsin Receiving First Shipment of Pfizer Vaccine

This week, Wisconsin state health officials are expecting the arrival of 49,725 doses of the FDA approved Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine is a 2-dose series and the allocation we receive is for the first dose only, but the CDC has an equal number of doses reserved to complete the second dose.

DHS identified eight hubs spanning all seven Healthcare Emergency Readiness Regions (HERC) regions that will receive the initial doses of the Pfizer vaccine and divide the product into individual doses. These locations were chosen for their unique abilities to store, monitor, and handle vaccines in ultra-cold temperatures as well as their willingness to redistribute COVID-19 vaccine to other providers in their regions.

Due to the limited supply of available vaccine, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC) determined frontline health care workers and long-term care residents will be the first to receive vaccine. As the supply increases, more of the individuals in phase 1a will be prioritized.

On Sunday, the CDC Director signed the ACIP recommendations and it has been published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) this week. Vaccination may begin after vaccinators have reviewed the MMWR, have necessary standing orders in place, and complete appropriate trainings.

DHS is working to ensure the equitable and transparent distribution of the vaccine. As more vaccine become available and more COVID-19 vaccines are approved by the FDA, the ACIP and SDMAC committees will expand its recommendations to include other groups, such as essential workers, adults with high-risk health conditions and those 65 and older.

In the meantime, we ask our partners to continue encouraging good pandemic behavior: staying home as much as possible, wearing a mask, physical distancing, and getting a test when needed. For resources and materials on good public health practices, visit our You Stop the Spread webpage

For up-to-date information, please visit the DHS COVID-19 Vaccine webpage.

Reminder-Tuesday morning weekly webinars about COVID-19 Vaccine

Webinars will be recorded and available on our website.

Tuesday Morning COVID-19 Updates for Vaccinators

The next weekly webinar for COVID-19 vaccinators is on Tuesday December 15, 2020, from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Technical experts will answer questions about vaccine administration, storage, and handling.

The purpose of the call is to talk through the specifics of program enrollment, managing vaccine, and giving the vaccine

  • Audience: Vaccinators
  • There is no need to pre-register. Please click on the link at the time of the webinar: https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/85865013829
  • Or call: 312-626-6799
  • Webinar ID: 858-6501-3829

Friday Stakeholder Webinar

We have not secured a time slot for our weekly stakeholder update for Friday. Thank you for your understanding as we work to identify a weekly cadence.