Temporary Adjustments to Certain FoodShare Program Rules

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Updates for local agencies, community-based organizations, and providers who provide assistance to members of Wisconsin's health and nutrition public assistance programs.

Temporary Adjustments to Certain FoodShare Program Rules

Effective immediately, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is temporarily adjusting certain FoodShare program rules as a result of the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The adjustments include postponing renewals, eliminating Six-Month Report submissions, and suspending interviews. DHS is able to make these adjustments due to provisions in the federal Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act.

October and November Renewals Postponed Six Months

FoodShare members with renewals due in October and November 2020 will not need to complete their renewals until April and May 2021, respectively.

Members with renewals due in October may have already received their renewal letters. If they have already started or submitted their renewals, they will still need to complete the renewal process. Their renewals are being processed as normal to allow them to continue with their regular enrollment period. If members have not yet started their renewal, they do not need to take any action at this time.

Members with renewals due in November will not receive a renewal letter.

Members will receive renewal letters prior to having to complete their renewals in April and May.

October and November Six-Month Reports Eliminated

FoodShare members with Six-Month Reports due in October and November 2020 will not need to submit their report.

Although members with Six-Month Reports that were due in October may have already received their report forms, they do not need to take any action. Members with reports due in November will not receive report forms.

Most FoodShare Interviews Suspended Until December 31

FoodShare applicants and members may not need to complete an interview with their income maintenance or tribal agency if they provide all the information necessary to process their application or renewal, once renewals resume. This includes providing enough information to confirm their identity and meet verification requirements. Information will be confirmed through data exchanges to the extent possible. However, agencies may still contact applicants and members to clarify information, if needed.

Applicants who only provide a name, address, and signature when they apply will still need to complete an interview.

The interview suspension will continue through December 31, 2020, with the possibility of an extension.