Most FoodShare Interviews Suspended Until August 31, 2020

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Updates for local agencies, community-based organizations, and providers who provide assistance to members of Wisconsin's health and nutrition public assistance programs.

Most FoodShare Interviews Suspended Until August 31, 2020

Under the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), with approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), is able to adjust certain FoodShare program rules if Wisconsin has declared a public health emergency. Since Wisconsin has declared another public health emergency, DHS has once again received approval from FNS to temporarily suspend most FoodShare interviews. The suspension will last until August 31, 2020.

FoodShare applicants and members may not need to complete an interview with their income maintenance or tribal agency if they provide all the information necessary to process their application or renewal. This includes providing enough information to confirm their identity and meet verification requirements. Information will be confirmed through data exchanges to the extent possible. Agencies may still need to contact applicants and members to clarify information if needed.

Applicants who only provide a name, address, and signature when they apply will still need to complete an interview.