Be Aware of COVID-19 Fraud

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ForwardHealth Community Partners

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Updates for local agencies, community-based organizations, and providers who provide assistance to members of Wisconsin's health and nutrition public assistance programs.

Be Aware of COVID-19 Fraud

Please be aware that COVID-19-related fraud is on the rise. Scammers are attempting to use the COVID-19 pandemic to benefit themselves. Scammers may offer COVID-19 testing or treatment through telemarketing calls, social media platforms, and door-to-door visits. These services are illegitimate.

The goal of these fraud attempts is to collect members’ personal information, such as their Social Security number, bank information, ForwardHealth ID, and QUEST card number or PIN. Members should not respond to unsolicited offers or advertisement for COVID-19 testing or treatments and to unsolicited requests for personal information.

If members receive a phone call asking for personal information and are unsure of who they are talking to, they should hang up and call ForwardHealth Member Services at 800-362-3002 or their agency to confirm the call.

Reporting Fraud

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, advises consumers not to provide personal or financial information to people they do not know. Scam artists want their information to commit identity theft, charge existing credit cards, debit checking accounts, open new credit cards or checking or savings accounts, write fraudulent checks, or take out loans.

Members can do the following to report suspected fraud or stolen identity:

COVID-19 Information

For the latest information about COVID-19 in Wisconsin, we encourage you to frequently monitor the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website for updates and to follow @DHSWI on Facebook and Twitter and dhs.wi on Instagram. Additional information can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.