FYI / New Toolkits for CMS Preparedness Rule

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Division of Quality Assurance: Notifications & Updates

Attn:  Regulated Health Care Providers

FYI / New Toolkits for CMS Preparedness Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has published an emergency preparedness rule  for health providers participating in Medicare and Medicaid. This rule allows facilities to establish and maintain consistent emergency preparedness policies and procedures in order to increase patient safety during emergencies.  Wisconsin has over 1,200 providers across the state that will be affected by the new rule.

The DHS Division of Public Health (DPH) is creating toolkits to assist the providers affected by the new rule. Each of these toolkits gives facilities that fall under the new rule an overview of the requirements for their provider type, as well as some sample templates in a workbook that can be used in their planning efforts.  The Long Term Care toolkit has been posted; others will be posted in the near future. 

Disclaimer: Any information provided by the DPH Office of Preparedness and Emergency Health Care, any of Wisconsin’s emergency healthcare coalitions, or their staff regarding the new CMS emergency preparedness rule is intended for advisory purposes only. None of the tools or assistance provided guarantee any outcome during facility survey visits. Facilities are solely responsible for meeting CMS requirements.

Please contact your regional health care coalition coordinator with any questions.