NHSN Enrollment Group - Step 1 - Get Ready to Enroll

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Wisconsin NHSN Users-LTC

A Few Things to Prepare for Enrollment

1. The person enrolling the facility is the NHSN Facility Administrator. Whenever you see that term, it refers to you, not to an administrator at the nursing home. This role can always be switched to another person after the facility is live in NHSN, but stay with the same person during enrollment. 

2. Print:

a. Facility contact info form

b. Annual facility survey (questions refer to 2016 data)

These forms will be needed in a few weeks near the end of the enrollment process. Print and fill them out in hard copy as you enroll so you can data enter them after gaining access to the NHSN security platform (SAMS). 

3. If you already have a SAMS card for another federal database application, do not re-register for SAMS. Contact me individually and we can get you to the next step. 

4. If you already enrolled in NHSN as part of the MetaStar CDI Project or for another reason, do not enroll again. You just need to confer rights to DPH to share the CRE data on your existing account. 

Stop here and wait for the next DPH Enrollment Group message or feel free to continue using the LTC Enrollment Checklist