DQA Publication P-01903 Smoking in Wisconsin Nursing Homes

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Division of Quality Assurance: Notifications & Updates

Attn:  Nursing Homes

DQA Publication P-01903 Smoking in Wisconsin Nursing Homes

DQA Publication P-01903, Smoking in Wisconsin Nursing Homes, provides nursing home staff with the resources needed to plan and provide care to those residents who smoke while residing in nursing homes and to do so safely and in accordance with the regulations.

The Wisconsin Clean Indoor Air Act of 2010 banned smoking in all inpatient health care facilities, including nursing homes, in Wisconsin.  Nursing home residents, however, do not lose the right to smoke just because they enter a nursing home.  Consequently, nursing homes must make accommodations for residents to smoke outside or specify where residents may smoke if smoking is not allowed anywhere on facility grounds.  Nursing homes are advised to develop specific policies and procedures addressing where residents may smoke and the type of assistance and supervision staff will give to residents who require help with smoking.  The more specific the policy and procedure, the less likely issues will arise concerning smoking.

The Wisconsin Clean Indoor Act of 2010 did not ban the indoor use of e-cigarettes.  Facilities may develop their own policies and procedures with respect to e-cigarettes.  Nursing homes may allow residents to smoke e-cigarettes indoors, may limit their use to designated smoking areas, or may ban their use on facility grounds.  Nursing homes are advised to address the use of e-cigarettes when developing their smoking policies and procedures.

Please contact your Regional Field Operations Director (RFOD) if you have questions concerning smoking in Wisconsin nursing homes.