Job Posting
Child and Family Therapist Opening at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin-Wausau Office
ACEs, Adversity's Impact
Low birthweight linked to higher death rates in infants and adolescents
For Foster Kids, a Push to Make Medical Care Treat Psychological Pain
Black Americans See Gains in Life Expectancy
How Much Do Racial Wealth Gaps Affect the Next Generation?
When All Kids Eat for Free
Screening for postpartum depression: Research review and update
Government Assistance Is Easy to Get Only When You Don’t Need It
Children of depressed parents at high risk of adverse consequences into adulthood
Parental education, childhood experiences associated with HbA1c in diabetes
County Public Health to use $50,000 grant to measure adverse childhood experiences
Depression Strikes, Stays With Many Caregivers of Critically Ill
Prenatal stress could enhance protective mechanisms of babies
Lessons from 100-lb weight loss: dignity, respect and love
Moms’ Mental Health Matters
Losing Identity During the Refugee Crisis
Human trafficking in the child welfare system: Federal funding opportunity
We all can help ensure positive early childhood experiences
Creating a 21st Century Child Well-Being System
America's Health Segregation Problem
Brain and Biology
Early life stress accelerates maturation of key brain region in male mice
Webinar: The Science of Recovery: Introduction to Brain Development and Neuroplasticity - Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Study links parental depression to brain changes and risk-taking in adolescents
Size of brain region is associated with response to PTSD treatment
QI in the Field: Helping Parents Promote their Babies’ Brain Development
Video: Poverty, the Brain, and Mental Health [97 minutes - Am. Museum of Natural History]
Immunization with bacteria promotes stress resilience, coping behaviors in mice
Interventional policies and practices needed to prevent bullying and its harm
New report: Bullying Is a ‘Serious Public Health Problem’
Courts, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Probation
After the Doors Were Locked
Grief and Trauma
Opioid Addiction Is a Huge Problem, but Pain Prescriptions Are Not the Cause
What Do EMDR, Running, and Drumming Have in Common?
Your ‘New Normal’: Trauma Recovery Without Avoidance
3 Steps to Healing Trauma that Everyone Should Know
Why I Don’t Use the Word ‘Forgiveness’ in Trauma Therapy
Troubled moms and dads learn how to parent with ACEs
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prince Harry And FLOTUS Brilliantly Shut Down Mental Health Stereotypes
Supporting Each Other / Women with #FacesOfPTSD
PTSD linked to low levels of fat hormone
Genetic variants may put some soldiers at higher risk of PTSD
Why bad experiences are remembered out of context
PTSD and Families: PTSD Monthly Update, May 2016
Helping Children Recover and Thrive during National Mental Health Awareness Month
Which Neighborhoods Win by Building Affordable Housing?
Poster: Wellness: Connecting All Aspects Of Behavioral Health
These 5 Domains of Posttraumatic Growth Can Help You Thrive
What it means to be mindful and how it can help your kids
Hope Tree inspires healing, growth
The Four Keys to Well-Being
How Kids Learn Resilience
6 Words You Should Say Today
Research highlights strategies that can help foster children transition into new homes
Guest Commentary: Pacific County Resiliency Corps is building stronger communities
High Schools for Addicts
It’s Mental Health Month. Check Out These Schools That Are Making Mental Health Services a Priority
Petaluma schools implementing new approach to work with struggling students
It's Time to Reframe How We Think About Education and Health
Trauma-Informed Care
Focus on traumatic childhood helps victims
A day in trauma-informed court: Parents work to regain custody of their kids
Trauma-informed care: A public health approach
"What is to give light must endure burning" -- Viktor Frankl
Peace4Tarpon Hosts First Responders Summit
Webinar: Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness as Recovery Maintenance - Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Funding Opportunity: SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $50 million in Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma Grants
Post-conflict reconciliation led to societal healing, but worsened psychological health
Considering a Research-Informed Theoretical Framework for Trauma-Informed Approaches
Cultural Competence and Trauma Informed
Shaping the way Europe prevents violence against women
Training for trauma of sexual, domestic assault survivors to be held in Marshfield