TIC News and Notes for the week of May 9, 2016

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Trauma-Informed Care News and Notes

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Welcome to the new format of the Trauma-Informed Care News and Notes email from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. All the article titles below are linked to the source's webpage featuring the full article. There will be no attachments in this new format.   

ACEs, Adversity's Impact

Nurturing during preschool years boosts child's brain growth

Risks of harm from spanking confirmed by analysis of 5 decades of research

Rural Oregon County Integrates ACEs Screening in School-Based Trauma-Informed Health Centers

A doctor's call for action on childhood poverty

Why Are Americans Killing Themselves?

19 Ways You are Emotionally Abusing Yourself

Young gay, bisexual men six times more likely to attempt suicide than older counterparts

The Strong Evidence Against Spanking

Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health Newsletter

Mental health diagnoses rise significantly for military children

Infant attention span suffers when parents' eyes wander during playtime

Analysis Confirms Link Between Spanking, Harm to Children

National Suicide Rate Climbs to 30-Year High

Prisoner of Her Past - Excellent documentary about long-term impact of childhood trauma

What’s it really like to work in high risk, vulnerable helping professions with clients who experience primary trauma?

On the Fast Track to Adulthood With Limited Options

A Potent Side Effect to the Flint Water Crisis: Mental Health Problems

Physical and Behavioral Effects of Childhood Hunger

Mental Health Matters: Consequences of Mental Health Stigma

Mental Health Matters: 8 Stigmatizing Phrases to Stop Using

Study: Language and Labels May Affect Mental Health Stigma

Mental Health Stigma Contributes to High Veteran Suicide Rate

Brain and Biology

Manipulation of specific neurons helps to erase bad memories, enhance good ones


Combination of face-to-face and online bullying may pack a powerful punch

Courts, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Probation

For Police, a Playbook for Conflicts Involving Mental Illness

A Shared Sentence

Pregnancy, Drug Use, and Why Prison Is Not the Solution

What Can the U.S. Do About Mass Incarceration?

Alternatives to Prison as a Solution to Mass Incarceration: An Interview with Michael Skolnik

Psychiatric symptoms impact mental health court engagement

Grief and Trauma

Complex Trauma: Yes, EMDR Can Help, but It’s No Quick Fix

Rape, Trauma, and Substance Abuse

Clinician’s Trauma Update Issue 10(2) April 2016

Orange County CA First Child Trauma Meeting a Big Success

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Gut feeling: Research examines link between stomach bacteria, PTSD

#FacesOfPTSD: PTSD Isn't a He


Bird that Wants to Fly, Arts Medicine & Poet Psychiatrist, Dr. Diane Kaufman

Veterans and their partners see less trauma, distress symptoms after intensive retreat

Factors that help children thrive in the face of adversity

Troubled No More, Youths Bring Stories of Their Resilience to Probation Professionals

W&M professors lead the crusade to prevent child abuse and neglect in Virginia

Having A Large Social Network Boosts Pain-Killing Endorphins And Increases Tolerance

Learn About the Importance of Healthy Mother/Child Relationships from Yale Researcher Megan V. Smith, DrPH, MPH


School counselors take on at-home trauma in the classroom                   

Trauma-Informed Care

Making It Real! Implementing Trauma-Informed Care in Child-Serving Settings

Long Story Short: How Can Organizations Measure Trauma-Informed Care to Promote Healing?

Trauma-Informed Organizational Capacity Scale

Young Adult Court: Ending Mass Incarceration with Trauma Informed Criminal Justice

Why trauma-informed care is needed in Los Angeles County: Guest commentary

Community Voices: Trauma-informed care for victims of domestic violence

NCTSN eBulletin May 2016

SAMHSA's Recovery to Practice Spring Webinar Registration Open

Substance Use Disorders

The answer to treating drug and alcohol addiction may be far simpler than you think

Growing up during a heroin epidemic


Child homicide: Speaking of the unspeakable

Psychedelic drugs may reduce domestic violence

Dear Mom, I’m so Sorry You Grew Up Living With Domestic Violence