Ship Canal Water Quality Project update 3/7/2025
A little bit softer now… in Wallingford and Fremont
A newly finished concrete sidewalk on Leary Way NW and N 36th St in Fremont
We have exciting news for Wallingford and Fremont neighbors. Much of the work in your neighborhood will be wrapped up by early to mid-spring—what a milestone! Though we’re sure you have loved having us around, we know you’ll appreciate some peace and quiet. There will still be equipment installation and testing, permanent electrical power hookups, site restoration, and staff training in late spring, and some final touches will happen through the summer. But don’t worry if you think you’ll miss us, we’ll be back in 2027 to get the storage tunnel up and running. Thanks for sticking with us on this journey!
In Wallingford, the westbound detour on N 35th St was taken down and vehicle traffic on N 35th St was fully reopened. Interlake Ave N will remain local access only from N 36th St for several more weeks, through at least the end of March. In Fremont, Leary Way NW is open to all lanes of traffic. It’s almost like the final pieces of a puzzle falling into place!
We know that this project has been disruptive over the past several years and want to extend our enormous gratitude for your continued patience and support during construction, especially during the extended road closures. This project, while challenging in the short term, will bring long-term benefits to the city and the region by keeping wastewater out of our natural waterways and protecting marine life and water quality for all. We appreciate the part you have played in that!
Please visit our project website to get the most up to date information about the Ship Canal Water Quality Project, a partnership between Seattle Public Utilities and King County Wastewater Treatment Division and to view a video of the duckie race! Visit our Flickr albums for recent construction photos as well.
The Ballard Pump Station and Ballard Conveyance contractor continues work along 24th Ave NW, NW 56th St, and 28th Ave NW. Crews have been evaluating and relocating utilities throughout the work area in Ballard. As early as April, you may start to see fences around work areas and large machinery in the neighborhood.
You should anticipate:
- Parking restrictions along 24th Ave NW, NW 56th St, and 28th Ave NW
- Noise, dust, and vibration typical of a construction site
- Work and equipment will include machines to cut pavement and vacuum trucks for removing dirt
Please watch for equipment and signs in the area. Travel slowly through active construction areas and follow directions from flaggers and signs.
East Ballard
NW 45th St between 11th Ave NW and 9th Ave NW is open along with the Burke Gilman Trail in its original location. Minor restoration work is continuing. Crews will still be in the area and there may be occasional one lane closures or temporary narrowing of the Burke Gilman Trail with flaggers, as work wraps up.
Within the site, crews continue installing utilities, grading, and restoring the site and sidewalks.
Leary Way NW is now open to all lanes of traffic.
Local closures and detours:
- NW 36th St, between Leary Way NW and 3rd Ave NW, remains closed until mid-2025
- 2nd Ave, between Canal St and Leary Way NW, remains closed
You should anticipate:
- Trucks entering and leaving the site
- Fans running during work hours to provide fresh air to crews working in the shaft
- Heavy equipment in the area
- Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm; and some Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm.
Within the site crews continue installing utilities, grading, and restoring the site and sidewalks. Perimeter fence installation is planned to begin in the coming weeks.
N 35th St is now fully reopened to traffic in both directions.
Local closures and detours:
- The southern portion of Interlake Ave N at N 35th St remains closed. Local access will remain in effect from N 36th St through at least the end of March.
You should anticipate:
- Trucks coming in and out of the site
- Paving and heavy equipment in the area
- Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site
- Short-term road and periodic sidewalk closures
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, 7 am to 6 pm. Night and weekend work may occur periodically.
Queen Anne
Crews have completed much of the site restoration. Crews are still working on minor installations and finalizing landscaping. The Ship Canal Trail is currently open in its original configuration. There may be localized trail detours in coming months as needed for crews to work. We will keep you updated on the timing of any remaining work.
Local closures and detours:
- Potential localized Ship Canal Trail detour in coming months as needed. Please continue to remain alert when moving through this area
You should anticipate:
- Trucks coming in and out of the site
Work hours will be Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 4 pm.
Contact Us
Please email SPU_ShipCanalProject@seattle.gov with questions or comments or call our hotline at (206) 701-0233. You can also find information online at spushipcanal.participate.online.