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Meet Jenifer Chao, the director uniting Seattle’s neighborhoods

Jenifer Chao

Jenifer Chao arrived in the United States as a refugee, grew up in Seattle’s Central District, and now leads the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. She has a family history of advocacy and said her goal is to help neighbors connect to their government and each other.


Seattle’s CARE Department expands citywide to assist more in crisis

CARE Team responders wearing blue

More support, faster response times! Seattle’s CARE Department—the team that assists individuals in crisis or facing behavioral health challenges, such as non-violent person-down incidents, welfare checks, and other requested calls—is expanding citywide this Monday, bringing critical crisis response to South and Southwest Seattle.


Restaurant 2 Garden brings food full circle

Person with dark hair smiles, handing silver bucket to older person

What do bokashi bran, earth cubes, and gastropubs have in common? Really great compost! 🧑‍🌾✂️🥕 The folks at Restaurant 2 Garden say it goes beyond that, though.


State lawmakers clash over changes to Washington’s ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’

From left to right, person in orange, person in gray suit and orange tie, person in red, in front of blue television studio background

A debate over student privacy versus parental oversight is brewing in Olympia. Lawmakers are clashing over potential changes to I-2081, which could impact how much access parents have to their child’s school records. Republicans argue the proposed legislation threatens parental rights, while Democrats say the changes are necessary.


Fay Jones paints a world of whimsy & wonder

Fay Jones

Painter Fay Jones is one of our region's great artists. She's been painting for decades, with no plans to stop anytime soon. Packed with recurring motifs that include rabbits, monkeys, and a figure Fay calls “The Gambler,” her canvases are beautifully realized stories of mystery, humor and longing.


Possum finds his voice 🎶

Gray possum pupped opens mouth wide, tilts head up

Possum is stressed about his concert solo. Singing alone in his room is one thing, but singing in front of all of his friends? In the latest episode of Look, Listen & Learn, Possum and Auntie Lena practice building their confidence by getting out of their comfort zone and trying all sorts of new things.