Ship Canal Water Quality Project update 1/9/2025

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Ship Canal Water Quality Project update 1/9/2025

Ready for 2025? Here’s what’s next for the Ship Canal project

The beginning of the end: final touches being applied to a road in Fremont.

The beginning of the end: final touches being applied to a road in Fremont.

Happy new year! After all that we have accomplished in 2024, we’re excited to share with you what’s in store for 2025. As we turn the page to this new chapter, here’s a sneak peak of what’s coming up:

  • Ballard construction begins as early as April! Work will begin in Ballard as early as April on the new conveyance pipes to connect the neighborhood wastewater flows to the new Ballard pump station. We made a video so you could learn more about this portion of the project! You can also find the video on our project library website under the “Project videos” section.
  • Ballard residents, stay in the loop! Starting as early as February, we’ll be sending out a monthly Ballard flyer with all the latest updates. Want to sign up? Just shoot us an email at, and we’ll add you to the list.
  • Wrapping up work in Wallingford and Fremont! Wallingford and Fremont site work is scheduled to wrap up in the first half of the year, targeting another major milestone for the SCWQP project.
  • Monthly updates ahead! Project-wide updates will now be sent on a monthly basis.

Here’s to a fantastic 2025 full of progress and exciting developments!

Please visit our project website to get the most up to date information about the Ship Canal Water Quality Project, a partnership between Seattle Public Utilities and King County Wastewater Treatment Division. Visit our Flickr albums for recent construction photos as well.


The Ballard Pump Station and Ballard Conveyance contractor continues work along 24th Ave NW, NW 56th St, and 28th Ave NW. Crews are performing utility evaluation in preparation for the start of Ballard Conveyance construction. The utility evaluation work is now scheduled to go through January, with work continuing over the next several weeks.

You should anticipate:

  • Parking restrictions along 24th Ave NW, NW 56th St, and 28th Ave NW
  • Noise, dust, and vibration typical of a construction site
  • Work and equipment will include machines to cut pavement and vacuum trucks for removing dirt

Please watch for equipment and signs in the area. Travel slowly through active construction areas and follow directions from flaggers and signs.

East Ballard

NW 45th St between 11th Ave NW and 9th Ave NW is open along with the Burke Gilman Trail (BGT) in its original location. Crews will still be in the area and there may be occasional one lane closers with flaggers as work wraps up.


Crews continue grading the site, restoring sidewalks, and installing site utilities and equipment in the shaft and vaults.

Lane restrictions in Leary Way NW will continue for several more weeks.

Local closures and detours: 

  • On 2nd Ave NW, between Leary Way NW and NW Canal St, the street remains closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic until mid 2025 
  • NW Canal St is open to two-way traffic during this closure 
  • NW 36th St, between Leary Way NW and 3rd Ave NW, remains closed until mid 2025
  • Pedestrian detours are in place on Leary Way NW; please follow all detour guidance 

You should anticipate: 

  • Truck traffic on Leary Way NW as trucks bring materials and equipment to and from the site 
  • Trucks entering and leaving the site 
  • Fans running during work hours to provide fresh air to crews working in the shaft 
  • Heavy equipment in the area 
  • Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site 

Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7 am to 6 pm, and some Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm.


N 35th St is currently open to two-way traffic in both directions with normal street parking. Utility work will resume in mid-January 2025. Once utility work in N 35th St is complete, our contractor will temporarily restore the roadway until permanent restoration can take place when weather permits.

The southern portion of Interlake Ave N continues to be closed with vehicle access south of N 36th St limited to local traffic only.

Road restoration in Interlake Ave N and sidewalk restoration on the west side of Interlake Ave is underway for the next several weeks. There is a pedestrian detour in place to route folks around this part of the work area.

Within the site at the northeast corner of N 35th St and Interlake Ave N, crews continue to install equipment inside the shaft and electrical building, and continue to install utilities throughout the site and build the rock wall along the north and east sides of the site.

Pavement and sidewalk restoration on N 35 St will follow the utility work and will also take several weeks.  We will share details about the traffic control for restoration work when available. 

You should anticipate: 

  • Trucks coming in and out of the site 
  • Paving and heavy equipment in the area 
  • Vibrations typical of a construction site 
  • Road and periodic sidewalk closures 

Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, 7 am to 6 pm. Night and weekend work may occur periodically. 

Queen Anne

Crews are still working on minor installations and finalizing landscaping. The Ship Canal Trail is currently open in its original configuration. There may be localized trail detours in coming months as needed for crews to work. We will keep you updated on the timing of any remaining work. 

Local closures and detours: 

  • Potential localized Ship Canal Trail detour in coming months as needed. Please continue to remain alert when moving through this area 

You should anticipate: 

  • Trucks coming in and out of the site 

Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7 am to 4 pm.  

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Please email with questions or comments or call our hotline at (206) 701-0233. You can also find information online at

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