Meet the candidates hoping to represent you for the Seattle City Council’s Position 8 seat! Our 2024 Seattle Primary Election Video Voters’ Guide is your chance to hear directly from the participants on the August 6 primary special election ballot.
 The protagonists in Jasper Fforde's "Red Side Story" live in Chromatacia, a place where "The hierarchy is based not on something mundane like voting for people, but on the colors that you can see." 🌈 A sequel to "Shades of Grey," the book is packed with humor, adventure, murderous plots, and a dash of romance.
 Founded in 1974, the folks at Gallery Mack have spent 50 years encouraging collaboration between local artists, patrons, and community organizations. Their array of contemporary art spans countless forms and materials, from wood to glass to paint and beyond.
 Council President Nelson and Councilmember Saka visited City Inside/Out: Council Edition to break down the legislation (passed Tuesday) for increased street racing fines, as well as overdose rates and a proposal for what would be the largest transportation levy in city history.
 We're enlisting Maya Marie to usher us into the weekend with a gritty, soulful, rocking rendition of original song "Sukka," performed at Conor Byrne Pub's recent singer-songwriter showcase.