CPC Newsletter: May 22 | SPOG contract vote | CPC survey | Automated license plate readers

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Public safety partners: Geneva Taylor (OPA), Henry Liu (SPD), Bessie Scott (OIG), and Cali Ellis (CPC)

May work updates around CPC

We are so glad to be back in action with our newsletter! If you missed our newly relaunched newsletter from 2 weeks ago, take a look to catch up. We always post our newsletters to the CPC website on our News page, so navigate there if you’re ever in the mood for some light reading.

In staff news, we are pleased to announce that we have filled CPC’s important Policy Director position, and that person will start with CPC on June 5. Be sure to tune into our Bi-Monthly Meeting on that day to meet them and learn more. Additionally, we have opened the recruitment for our first-ever CPC Deputy Director, which is a huge role that will help guide the staff and direction of CPC’s work. Know anyone who might be a good fit? Pass along the deputy director job posting before it closes June 4.

We want to take a moment and mention how grateful we are to have such amazing partners in accountability here at the city: that’s OPA, OIG, and CPC. As required in the Accountability Ordinance, we meet quarterly to collaborate, share notes, and generate ideas together. Happy reading!

Questions? We always want to hear from you. Reach out to OCPC@seattle.gov.

CPC Videos

Watch these two recent videos to catch up on our work.

May 15 CPC Bi-Monthly Meeting

May 15, 2024 - Community Police Commission Bi-Monthly Meeting

View our most recent meeting for updates from Co-Chairs & staff, our City Council SPOG vote takeaways, and a 2024 workplan presentation from OIG.

Why police accountability now?

Why police accountability now?

Find out from CPC Co-Chair Joel Merkel why the next SPOG contract is so important to fully implementing Seattle's landmark 2017 Accountability Ordinance.

CPC News & Updates

SPOG contract updates & information

On May 14, the Seattle City Council voted 8-1 to pass the retroactive SPOG contract covering 2021-2023. While we are disappointed that the retroactive contract did not contain the important accountability measures we regularly advocate for, we are focusing our efforts where changes can actually be implemented: in the future.

The City has stated publicly that negotiations for contracts covering 2024 and beyond are ongoing. We remain laser focused on a forward-facing contract that allows Seattle’s 2017 Accountability Ordinance to be fully implemented. Read our fact sheet highlighting CPC priorities for the next SPOG contract.

Take CPC's survey on police accountability

One of our essential tasks at CPC is to engage the community and gather input on public safety issues that impact Seattle community members. As we engage in advocacy on the next SPOG contract, we’d like to gain a baseline understanding of what community members know and believe about police accountability. Please take 5-10 minutes to complete our survey to the best of your ability. We will also conduct this survey as we visit local events to gather feedback out in community.

Reach out to OCPC@seattle.gov if you need assistance or have questions.

Provide feedback on automated license plate readers

Staff for the Chair of Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee attended our recent CPC meeting and gave an update that Chair Bob Kettle is seeking feedback on automated license plate readers. There is a proposal to extend technology used on police vehicles that automatically reads license plates from the current pilot of 11 patrols, to fleetwide at around 160 vehicles.

The Public Safety Committee meeting on May 28 at 9:30 am may address this question and seeks to take community feedback into consideration. Contact Chair Kettle with any feedback and learn how you can provide public comment on the Council's proposals.

CJTC seeks panel members for officer certification hearings

CJTC logo

The Washington CJTC (statewide Criminal Justice Training Commission) is looking for members of the public and those with background in law enforcement oversight to serve as panelists for officer certification hearings. Read this flyer to learn more and apply on the CJTC website.

Community Corner

Check out these three recent events that CPC community engagement staff attended. We hope to see you out in community soon!

Mayor's Public Safety Forum

Mayor’s Public Safety Forums

Our community engagement staff attended the mayor’s events to hear about city department updates, the mayor’s One Seattle Framework, and community safety concerns. See more photos and follow us on Facebook.

SPD LGBTQ Advisory Committee

SPD LGBTQ Advisory Council meeting

We recently attended the LGBTQ Advisory Council meeting and visited with old and new friends. View more photos and follow us on X.

Mergitu Argo at Community Safety event

SPD Community Safety Meeting

Community Engagement Specialist Mergitu Argo attended a recent community safety meeting to stay involved and bring community perspective for CPC. Find more photos and follow us on LinkedIn.

CPC in the News

Check out these highlights of CPC in the news recently:

Crosscut: Seattle Council approves police union contract with 23% pay bump

KING 5: Seattle City Council approves new police contract in 8-1 vote

KOMO: Seattle City Council approves massive raises for police officers

PubliCola: Police Contract Gives Big Raises to Officers, Still Fails to Meet Baseline Set in 2017 Accountability Law

Seattle Times: Seattle City Council approves police contract with big raises, big hopes

The Urbanist: Seattle Police Contract Passes Despite Limited Accountability Measures, Budget Hit

Upcoming Events

Korean Fried Chicken with SPD

May 30 from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm | Kkokio Seattle

In honor of May as Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage month, SPD is hosting this “KFC with SPD” social event. The free community event is hosted by Kkokio restaurant and SPD where you can mingle with police officers, enjoy Korean fried chicken (KFC), and learn more about public safety programs and updates. View the announcement.

Next CPC Bi-Monthly Meeting

June 5 | 9:00 am

Attend our next meeting to get the latest info on CPC’s work, including an update from OPA on complainant impact statements. There will only be one meeting in June due to the Juneteenth holiday, so don’t miss out!

The Commissioners gather both in-person (at Seattle City Hall, Room 370) and online on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted to our website at least 24-hours in advance.

Visit our website Meetings page to find past meeting materials including recordings, agendas, minutes, and presentations. Recordings of each meeting are posted on the afternoon of the meeting.

The Community Police Commission (CPC) listens to, amplifies, and builds common ground among communities affected by policing in Seattle. We champion policing practices centered in justice and equity. The CPC is independent and led by volunteer commissioners. Learn more about the CPC at seattle.gov/community-police-commission.