Partners in protecting public health
 SPU and King County staff touring one of the project sites.
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) and King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) have been partners on the Ship Canal Water Quality Project for almost a decade. What makes us so compatible? Well, we’re both sewer nerds, and we have a joint interest in protecting water quality, public health, and the environment. We both had a need in our community to prevent combined sewer overflows (CSOs) into the Ship Canal and Lake Washington. So it made sense that teaming up would be the best solution. A perfect match!
SPU’s system collects wastewater from homes and businesses within the City of Seattle. WTD collects wastewater from SPU’s system and other local systems in the region and treats these flows at regional wastewater treatment plants. As such, we’ve worked together closely for years to understand one another’s facilities and operations to make the entire system work more cohesively. Most of SPU’s flows are treated at WTD’s West Point Treatment Plant in the City of Seattle. We’ve got a pretty good thing going here.
You know what they say, when you work with friends, it doesn’t really feel like work.
Please visit our project website to get the most up to date information about the Ship Canal Water Quality Project in your neighborhood. Check out our Flickr albums for recent construction photos as well.
Crews continue to perform work inside the tunnel and shaft, and haul off remaining muck, equipment, and supplies from the site.
You should anticipate noise and vibrations typical of a construction site. Crews are now working one 8-hour shift, five days a week. Some work may occur on Saturdays.
East Ballard
Crews are installing the permanent pavement in 11th Ave NW across the N 45th St intersection. Crews completed the connections for the new water main in N 45th St and they continue to install utilities at the site and complete work inside the mechanical and electrical vault. Construction of the adit, short, horizontal underground tunnel segments that connect vertical shafts to a tunnel, is complete. Crews have begun restoration activities at the site starting with asphalt and sidewalk demolition.
Lane closures and detours:
- NW 45th St between 11th Ave NW and 9th Ave NW remains closed through late spring 2024
- The Burke Gilman trail detour remains in place until late spring 2024
- 11th Ave NW remains open with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Flaggers will be present during paving of 11th Ave NW in the intersection to coordinate traffic.
You should anticipate:
- Heavy equipment in the area
- Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm. Night and weekend work may occur.
Crews continue building the permanent structure inside the shaft and installing conveyance pipes that connect to the storage tunnel. They also continue installing mechanical and electrical systems inside the vault in N 36th St.
Local closures and detours:
- On 2nd Ave NW, between Leary Way NW and NW Canal St, the street remains closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic through mid-2024
- NW Canal St is open to two-way traffic during this closure
- NW 36th St, between Leary Way NW and 3rd Ave NW, remains closed through mid-2024
- Pedestrian detours are in place on Leary Way NW; please follow all detour guidance
You should anticipate:
- Truck traffic on Leary Way NW as trucks bring materials and equipment to and from the site
- Concrete trucks entering and leaving the site
- Fans running during work hours to provide fresh air to crews working in the shaft
- Heavy equipment in the area
- Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm; and some Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm.
Crews completed installing conveyance pipe in the intersection of Stone Way N and N 35th St. Another crew is installing the segment of conveyance pipe from our site into the intersection of Interlake Ave N and N 35th St. Crews are working on repaving N 35th St west of Interlake Ave N. Paving is scheduled for Thursday, April 25 but is weather dependent. The road will remain closed following paving to allow the pavement to cure sufficiently to apply pavement markings and for the contractor to complete all other final adjustments, restoration, and clean up.
The plan is to reopen the intersection of N 35th St and Stone Way N in May. Then, the northern portion of N 35th St and Interlake Ave N will close intermittently this summer to allow for water main work and roadway restoration.
Within the site, crews continue to build permanent walls inside the shaft and the above-ground electrical building.
The pedestrian crossing on the south side of the intersection of Stone Way N and N 35th St is closed. Pedestrians need to follow the approved detour route and cross Stone Way N at N 34th St. The sidewalk along N 35th St has reopened for public use.
N 36th St between Wallingford Ave N and Stone Way N is restricted to local access only. Please follow the approved detour map when driving in the area.
See our updated detour maps for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.
N 35th St closure vehicle detour
- Traffic is detoured via N 40th St and Wallingford Ave N, and via Woodland Park Ave N and N 34th St
- The all-way stops remain in place at Woodland Park Ave N at both N 35th St and N 34th St, and at Wallingford Ave N and N 35th St
- Stone Way N between N 34th St and N 35th St remains closed to vehicles and bicycles
- Please adhere to Road Closed, Local Access Only, and Traffic Revision Ahead signage and follow marked detour routes
N 35th St closure bicycle detour
- Bicyclists are detoured to the west on N 35th St and Woodland Park Ave N
- Access to the Burke Gilman Trail is on N 34th St at Stone Way N and at Troll Ave N
- Please dismount and walk if you use the sidewalk
You should anticipate:
- N 35th St between Stone Way N and Interlake Ave N and the intersection of N 35th St and Stone Way N are closed
- Trucks coming in and out of the site
- Heavy equipment in the area
- Vibrations typical of a construction site
- Truck traffic from the North Transfer Station hauling waste away from the station beginning at 5 am (for up to four hours), 7 days a week. Flaggers will be on site to help control traffic and direct trucks out of the gate if needed.
- Road and periodic sidewalk closures
- Temporary bus stops on Woodland Park Ave N are relocated; Metro bus routes 31, 32, and northbound 62 detoured. Southbound bus route 62 is unchanged. Please view service advisories on King County Metro’s website.
We understand that traffic is a challenge in this area. We continue to keep an eye on neighborhood impacts and add new signage for detours and safe access to businesses. Businesses are open and ready to serve the community. Please support local businesses and follow all detour signage and safety directions when traveling through the work area.
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, 7 am to 6 pm. Night and weekend work may occur periodically.
Queen Anne
Crews continue installing utilities at the site. Water service work is underway.
Local closures and detours:
- Localized Ship Canal Trail detour at least through mid-2024 (see map). Please continue to remain alert when moving through this area.
- West Ewing Mini Park parking closure through mid-2024
You should anticipate:
- Trucks coming in and out of the site
- Heavy equipment in the area
- Noise and vibrations typical of a construction site
Regular work hours will be Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm. Night and weekend work may occur.
Contact Us
Please email SPU_ShipCanalProject@seattle.gov with questions or comments or call our hotline at (206) 701-0233. You can also find information online at spushipcanal.participate.online.