Summer Transportation Access Programs Updates

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Quick bites of our Transportation Access Programs (TAP) stories below!

  • Read our 2022 Seattle Transit Measure performance report
  • Our Senior Programming is changing and expanding
  • Don't forget to register for your Free Youth Transit Pass
  • Starting next week, SHA Will Be Joining the City of Seattle’s Affordability Portal! 

  • King County 211's Ride United transportation program has relaunched
  • Hopelink's Mobility Management team was recently awarded a grant to develop more rural transit resources
  • Give feedback on upcoming bus route changes surrounding the upcoming RapidRide G line and Lynnwood light rail expansion

Story of the Month

We’ve Released Our Annual Seattle Transit Measure Performance Report! 

The Seattle Transit Measure (STM), approved by voters in November 2020, generates roughly $39 million annually over 6 years to fund transit service, capital projects, and the Transportation Access Programs (yours truly!). We’re excited to announce that the STM performance report for 2022 has been released. Highlights from 2022 include funding COVID Recovery Bus Lane projects and expanding who we serve under TAP. 

Read the full report by clicking here, or check out the coverage by the SDOT blog.  

A rider boards King County Metro’s RapidRide C bus to West Seattle.

A rider boards King County Metro’s RapidRide C bus to West Seattle.

Program Updates

We’ve Revamped Our Senior Programming! 

A Hopelink staff member shows a senior how to load money onto an ORCA card

TAP’s Senior Programming has returned after undergoing an overhaul! Previously, our Senior Programming worked with four Seattle senior centers to help sign seniors up to King County Metro’s Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) discounted ORCA card and offer transit centered education. In the interest of serving a broader audience, we are pivoting to working with our non-profit partner Hopelink and a different community or senior center every other month to offer transit education field trips. 

This month, TAP partnered with the United Indians of All Tribes Foundations to bring 9 of their senior community members from Northgate to SeaTac airport via light rail. Most of these seniors had never ridden the light rail before and were delighted to find how easy it was to access the airport by transit! Seniors were also happy to learn about the free shuttle from the SeaTac light rail station to the doors of the airport. TAP is excited to continue engaging and educating seniors throughout the rest of the year! 

Free Youth Transit Pass Distribution  

As of October 2022, transit is FREE for all youth ages 18 and younger in Washington, thanks to Move Ahead Washington, a state transportation package passed by the state legislature.  

SDOT will be attending the OL Reign Kids Day Fair this Sunday, August 6 in partnership with King County Metro and Sound Transit to distribute Youth ORCA cards.  

We’d love for you to join us there to hear about other great resources for youth and pick up your free ORCA card! 

REMEMBER: All youth cards need to be registered before January 31, 2024. It’s SO easy to register your card. Visit to register your card in 3 easy steps.

SHA Will Be Joining the City of Seattle’s Affordability Portal! 

The Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) Transit Pass is a partnership between SHA and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). SHA residents who live in an SHA owned and managed property are eligible to receive an unlimited-use ORCA card to take transit at no cost. The program will run through December 31, 2026.    

Starting next week, new applicants will be able to apply for our SHA Transit Pass Program through Civiform, the City of Seattle’s Affordability Portal. Civiform streamlines application processes and helps applicants understand what other city programs they may be eligible for based on information they’ve already provided. Keep an eye out on our SHA website next week when our Civiform application goes live! 

Partner Updates

Grab a Ride with Ride United 

A man poses on a Ride United flyer

King County 211’s Ride United transportation program has relaunched! Ride United provides free Lyft rides to eligible clients in King County! Riders 18 or older can request up to 6 FREE Lyft rides in 2023 to use for health appointments, employment related needs, housing/shelter, food and other essential services, education or technology procurement, or legal services. Call 211 Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm to schedule a ride. Lyft rides must be at or under a $22 fare estimate and can only be prescheduled up to 3 days in advance. 

RTAP Grant Awarded to Hopelink Mobility Management for Transportation Advocacy 101 Project

Hopelink’s Mobility Management team was recently awarded a Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) grant to develop resources, trainings, and other curricular materials to broaden our base of empowered transportation champions throughout all sectors. The Snoqualmie Valley Mobility Coalition will partner with King County Mobility Coalition to pilot the Transportation Advocacy 101 Project, including documentation of when and how transportation planning takes place and where planning priorities are connected to program design and outcomes. This will result in more transparent transportation landscapes for end-users and providers alike while providing a better understanding of how importation decision-making processes are made and how to best advocate for all-encompassing services. This project will take place from July 2023-June 2025. To learn more, get involved, or provide direct input, contact Tracie Jones at or 425-943-6753.

Seeking Your Feedback on Upcoming Bus Route Changes 

In preparation for the late-2024 launch of both the RapidRide G line and Lynnwood Link expansion, King County Metro is planning bus route restructures for both service areas, and is seeking your feedback on these planned changes. 

To find out more about and provide comment through August 27 on new route proposals surrounding the Lynnwood light rail expansion, visit King County Metro’s Lynnwood Link Connections page.   

To learn more about and give feedback through August 31 on the bus changes surrounding RapidRide G, visit the Madison Street Area project page.