Vanishing Seattle's Cynthia Brothers has brought together a diverse collection of salvaged signs – from hand-painted to wood-carved – to this weekend's Seattle Art Fair. The exhibit is an ode to the artisans and spaces that brought soul to the city, and a celebration of old Seattle businesses, venues, and gathering places. The multimedia “Vanishing Seattle Opening Exhibit” debuts tonight, Friday, from 5-8p.m. in the historic RailSpur building in Pioneer Square. The exhibit runs this weekend July 28-30 and one more day, Aug. 3rd.
 Coyotes have been living alongside city-dwellers for decades, unseen by most of us. Wildlife specialists have answers to why coyotes venture into urban areas, what they actually eat, and what to do if you encounter one. The answers might surprise you!
 Seattle City Council President Debora Juarez joins Council Edition to discuss the new tiny house village in North Seattle. She also explains how a connection with local Indian tribes might revolutionize the City of Seattle’s approach to affordable housing. Hear her thoughts on those issues, plus Juarez reflects on her two terms in office.
 Timber pirates and musical high dives in Seattle? Outfit your summer water adventure with five fun facts about Seattle's five lakes.
 From "Groovy Barbie" to "full banana chic," the Capitol Hill Block Party brought out the biggest, boldest Seattle summer styles. Check out our photo blog and find out why these fashion-forward festival fans dress to express.
 The deadline for ballots is next week - Tuesday, Aug.1 to be exact. With many important races on the ballot, don't sit this one out! There are a lot of candidates to choose from, but our Seattle & King County Video Voters' Guide can help you decide. It has statements from candidates for Seattle City Council, King County Council, Port of Seattle Commissioner, Seattle School Board, and more. Tune in for one or all of the candidate statements, they're each less than two minutes long.
Go find your ballot, grab a pen, pull up our guide, and sit back to hear the candidates pitch their platforms. Oh, and remember to either mail in or drop your completed ballot in a ballot drop box by Aug. 1!
 King County Elections has mailed ballots out to all voters. You should have yours by now and you have until Tuesday, Aug. 1, by 8 p.m. to vote.
✔️ When you complete your ballot, return it to a safe and secure King County ballot drop box. There are more than 75 scattered across the county, and they're accessible 24/7. Find the closest drop box near you! You can also mail your ballot — no postage necessary — just be sure to have it postmarked no later than Tuesday, Aug. 1!
✔️ Already voted? Track your ballot.
❓ Misplace your ballot? Never got it? Not registered to vote? No problem! Head to one of six King County Elections' vote centers. The centers will be open for in-person voting Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday.
❓ What do you need to register to vote? To register to vote, head to an in-person voting center. You will be asked for the last four digits of your social security number. If you can't provide those digits, show a government issued ID or passport and sign a voter registration verifying you are a Washington resident. That's it!