“Freedom is what Seattle could be, but isn’t yet.” Television host and storyteller Sharon Nyree Williams recites poem “Juneteenth: Freedom is... .” Watch the full video and drop in at the second annual Juneteenth event for city employees and their families on June 19 at Seward Park.
 Tunnel-boring machine MudHoney, along with construction workers with a unique commute, have been working hard since 2021 on a 2.7-mile-long passage that will run under the city’s Ballard, Fremont, and Wallingford neighborhoods. When complete, the tunnel will divert sewage and stormwater away from the Lake Washington Ship Canal.
 Al Smith Sr. photographed the monumental and the mundane, the world-famous jazz singers, the local dancers, and the neighborhood picnics. His ability to get up-close-and-personal for legendary music performances, community gatherings, and capture pure joy helps us understand the Central District of decades past and piece together Seattle’s complex history.
 After decades of asking us if we tried turning it off and then on again, solving our computer problems with astounding ease, and locating about 3,000 various cables (along with way bigger and more complicated things we don't actually understand), our dear video engineer Daryl Peck is leaving us for the sandy shores of retirement. Farewell, Daryl, remember us fondly. We'll miss you and your infectious can-do spirit!