East Marginal Way S Project Update

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East Marginal Way S Project Update

Contractor selected; Pre-construction activities expected this month

Contractor selected to build the North Segment

We recently awarded the contract to build the safety, freight mobility, and efficiency improvements planned for the North Segment of the project. This segment includes East Marginal Way S between S Atlantic St and S Spokane St, and the intersection at S Alaska St, where we’re building a new dynamic message sign.

Pre-construction activity starts soon

In addition to the street improvement work on this project, we’re replacing one mile of the underground watermain pipe that connects to Port of Seattle terminals and other adjacent properties.

Starting as early as mid-April, the contractor will be working along East Marginal Way S to identify where potential conflicts might arise between the new watermain and existing underground utilities. During this work, the contractor dig at several locations and then pave the areas with asphalt.

We expect the work to take 1-2 weeks. If you are traveling on the corridor, you can expect minor traffic revisions and flaggers directing you around the work.

After the contractor completes this work, we’ll be able to order the new watermain pipe. This pipe has the longest supply-chain timeline of any materials we need to order before we can start construction. 

Full construction will break ground when new watermain pipe arrives, expected in fall 2023 at the earliest

Because watermain construction will be one of the early construction items, full construction won’t begin until closer to when we have the pipe on location. With the expected long supply-chain timeline, the earliest we expect to begin construction is October.

Until then, we’re finalizing our agreements with railroad companies since several train tracks run along the corridor. We’ll also continue working with the contractor on additional pre-construction activity as needed so we are ready to begin construction as soon as the watermain pipe is delivered.

We’ll send another project update once we have a better idea of when full construction will begin on East Marginal Way S.

A graphic showing the North Segment project area of the East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project.

A graphic showing the North Segment project area of the East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement Project. This segment is along East Marginal Way S between S Atlantic St and S Spokane St, and includes the intersection further south at S Alaska St, where we’re building a new dynamic message sign.

Stay updated on construction

To read more about the project and what to expect during construction, visit our project website. Comments and questions are always welcome by emailing EastMarginal@seattle.gov or calling 206-257-2263.

Visit the project website
