The life and legacy of a Seattle librarian

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Neighbors helping neighbors

Seattleites line up for provisions at a Great Depression depot in Wallingford

These photos from 1930s relief depots show Seattleites helping each other during the Great Depression. Some of them are accompanied by reminders that those receiving help are just like the folks giving it, the only difference being the misfortune of job loss. 


The magical, microscopic world of moss


There are more than 700 types of moss in the Pacific Northwest, and each plays a vital role in our region’s ecosystem. A moss gardener and naturalist share what they love so much about this forest underdog.


City Inside/Out talks hunger solutions

City Inside/Out host Brian Callanan with guests Pramila Jayapal, Marie Spiker, PhD Christina Wong

One in eight people in the United States used SNAP benefits in 2022. As food prices soar and SNAP resources shrink, Washingtonians are finding new ways to help neighbors in need.


A Librarian’s Legacy

Portrait of librarian Guela Gayton

We’re grateful for history-making librarian Guela Gayton Johnson this Women’s History Month and every month. She was a pioneer in her field, a descendant of (actual) pioneers, and an inspiration for students, librarians, and anyone who believes in accessible education.