Get to know Adrian Diaz, the Seattle Police Department’s top officer. Chief Diaz recently sat down with the Seattle Channel and opened up about his family, how time spent in Peru changed his career, and described how Plato’s “Republic" shapes some of his work philosophy.
 A high-stakes showdown is brewing in Olympia as lawmakers debate the consequences for illegal drug possession in Washington. The state Supreme Court overturned felony drug possession with the 2021 State v. Blake ruling, and the legislature needs to find a permanent way to balance addiction and accountability by this summer.
 The vibrant and bold paintings made by Seattle-based artist Brian Sanchez pull you in – your gaze never wants to turn away. It’s impossible for us to capture in words the power of Sanchez’s art, but his masterful grasp of colors and shapes will delight your eyes and intrigue your mind. See for yourself.
 Eighty-one years ago on Sunday, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, setting in motion the forced removal and incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans, including here in Seattle. Actor and activist George Takei shares his personal experience of his time in a concentration camp as a result of the order.
If you'd like to learn more about the local impact of Executive Order 9066, join Ken Mochizuki, author of “Those Who Helped Us: Assisting Japanese Americans During the War,” for a book signing and day of remembrance this Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Wing Luke Museum.
 “There’s not enough musicals about bankruptcy.” Actress Lauren Weedman performs her one-woman musical “BLOWS” at The Triple Door, Feb. 25-26. The show brutally and hilariously details true stories from her own life. Check out her interview with Art Zone’s Nancy Guppy to learn more.
 How long have comics been around, and what is their role in today's world? Historians and comic makers gathered at MOHAI to discuss visual storytelling through the ages, and how those stories shape our interpretation of history.